Sunday, April 29, 2007

NCMA Conference - May 2nd to 5th, 2007

Hello all:

I have received a complimentary VIP pass to the NCMA Conference in Williams Lake between May 2nd to May 5th, 2007. I will report on the proceedings of what happened on each day and my experiences during this very important conference for local gov't officials. The Premier will give a speech to NCMA delegates, which includes Mayors, Councillors, Regional District Directors' / Chairs'. Also, the Minister of Community Services (Hon. Ida Chong), and the Leader of Her Majesty's Loyal Official Opposition, Ms. Carole James (BC NDP Leader) will give a speech to NCMA Delegates. NDP MLA for Cariboo-North, Mr. Bob Simpson, will speak to delegates at the official opening of the NCMA AGM on Thursday, May 3rd.

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