Tuesday, April 3, 2007

WL Council Meeting Highlights - April 3rd, 2007

At Tonight's WL Council Meeting:

1) Dr. Charles Jago - Fraser Basin Council

Dr. Jago gave an overview of the work of the Fraser Basin Council and congratulated WL Council on their environmental initiatives.

2) BC Hydro Spring Update 2007

Bob Gammer from BC Hydro gave an overview of their plans for 2007 including buying more energy from IPP's, looking at the "Site C" in the Peace Country and more conservation measures

3) 2007 Budget

Council gave three (3) readings to the Budget Bylaw (Bylaw #2016, 2007) tonight which includes a 3.98% tax increase. An open house on the budget will be held on April 11, 2007 (Wednesday) in Council Chambers

4) Muncipal Security Issuing Resolutions - Fire Hall + River Valley Storm Sewer Outfall Projects

Council agreed to send the Resolutions to the CRD for the borrowing of $8,000,000 from the MFA's (Muncipal Finance Authority) Fall Issue of Debentures over a 20 year period

5) Airfield Lighting Control Panel & Power Cable at WL Airport

Council agreed to enter into an contribution agreement with the Federal Government for this project. The Federal Government is providing $204,731 for this endeavour


  1. It's great to hear what's happening in your neck of the woods. I was up in your beautiful part of BC this summer.
