Thursday, August 16, 2007

WL Council Highlights - August 14th, 2007

Delegations: None


1) Council members present along with the City's CAO (Alberto De Feo) had their picture taken in front of a sign "Turn It Off". As of today, the City of Williams Lake is 1st place in the entire province during this challenge. The winner will receive a energy savings makeover for one of the City's buildings

2) Council approved $30,000 to be spent sealing cracks for the road going up to the WL Regional Airport. This program will extend the life of the road beyond 2010. The project should be completed by the end of August. This program was recommended by the City's Director of Municipal Services

3) Rezoning Proposals from Elizabeth Hunt and 717747 BC Ltd. received 2nd Reading. Both proposals shall be put to Public Hearings on September 18th, 2007

4) The Airfield Lighting Control System Upgrade/Cable Replacement was awarded to Houle Electric Ltd. in the amount of $117,041.33

5) The Revitalization Tax Exemption Program is designed to encourage rental property owners to improve and enhance their properties and to encourage the construction of mixed commercial residential properties. The wording in the bylaw did not include the original intent of Council and amendments were made. The changes included the addition of multifamily residential rental properties and mixed commercial‐residential uses. Staff also identified that for minor projects, a quote from a professional contractor would suffice as part of the application process. Council will also have the discretion of evaluate all applications on an individual basis and deny any applications.

6) A Reminder - all Grants-In-Aid must be in to City Hall no later then September 28th, 2007 so Staff have time to consider them and make recommendations to Council + Central Cariboo Joint Committee

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