Monday, September 10, 2007

Public Consulation Session - OCP Amendment Application - Pioneer Family Land Partnership

Hello all:

Tomorrow night (Tuesday, September 11th, 2007), Pioneer Family Land Partnership along with the City of Williams Lake will be hosting a Public Consulation Session for Pioneer's Application for an amendment to the City's OCP. The development will be including a Walmart along with other small "big-box" stores. This meeting tomorrow is a requirement in accordance with Section 879 of the Local Government Act.

The meeting is being held at Pioneer Log Homes' Office. The address is 351 Hodgson Road, up from Mainland Roofing. I personally will be in attendance. I would strongly encourage all of those who read my blog to be in attendance and let the proponents know how you feel on their application.

This application will be before the Advisory Planning Commission of which I'm Vice-Chair on Wednesday, September 12th, 2007 at 12:00 noon. Although members of the public can attend, they are not permitted to speak to this application, although representatives of Pioneer Family Land Partnership may speak before the APC, if they so wish. During this meeting, the APC will be considering this application and a reference to City Council for a recommendation for Second Reading of Pioneer's re-zoning and OCP Amendment applications.

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