Wednesday, September 26, 2007

WL Council Highlights - September 18th, 2007


1) Gerry Desrochers - TRU Director for WL Campus - he gave Council an overview of ongoing and future activities at TRU's WL Campus including landscaping and future courses in trades and nursing

2) Irene Willsie - Women's Contact Society - requesting Council's support for the "Take Back the Night" event on September 21st, 2007. Council gave its' strong support for this event and encouraged the entire community to come out and lend its' support to this very important event.

1) The garbage contact between the City and Central Cariboo Disposal has been extended to April 30th, 2008. This will allow City Staff enough time to put together a comprehensive Request for Proposal which will include expanded recycling with the inclusion of the "Blue Box" program

2) Councillor Rathor expressed his grave concern over the lack of work on re-paving of road shoulders by the Ministry of Transportation. Council agreed to work with the Ministry of Transportation to encourage the benefits of paved road shoulders for cyclists.

3) Council granted permission to the Central Cariboo Economic Development Corporation to use the City's Cowboy Hat Logo for marketing purposes in connection with the TDC.

4) A budget request of $32, 425 for the Museum of the Cariboo-Chilcotin for their operating expenses was approved by Council. This amount will become part of the Central Cariboo Leisure Services Master Budget for 2008.

5) Councilor Ed Mead was given permission by Council to attend a "Building Safer Communities: Gangs, Drugs, and Domestic Violence Issues" conference in Richmond, BC to be held on October 31st and November 1st, 2007.

6) Re-zoning/OCP Proposals for BCR Properties, Elizabeth Hunt, Jim Willson and Ben Peterson all received 3rd Reading. These Re-Zoning proposals are now referred to Ministries of Transportation/Environment for their consent.

7) Pioneer Family Land Partnership proposal on South Lakeside Drive received 2nd Reading. This proposal will be the subject of a Public Hearing on October 16th, 2007. The hearing will likely start at 7:00pm.

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