Sunday, August 17, 2008

150 Mile House Transit

The CRD announced on Friday that the start-up date for the WL Transit System Extension to the Fringe Areas outside the City of Williams Lake (150 Mile, Dog Creek, and Commodore Crescent) will be on Monday, August 18th

While we wait and see how the new transit system extensions will work out, I'm already concerned that the bus route to 150 Mile House will be a failure before it starts

As it stands now, the Bus system to 150 Mile House is as follows:
Run from Williams Lake (Morning - 1 Run only)

i) Leave Boitanio Mall at 9:00am
ii) Leave WL Band Office at 9:13am
iii) Leave 150 Mile Store (Marshall's Store) at 9:19am
iv) Leave 150 Mile Mall at 9:23am

Run from 150 Mile House (Morning - 1 Run Only):

i) Leave 150 Mile Mall at 9:23am
ii) Leave WL Band Office at 9:32am
iii) Arrive at Boitanio Mall at 9:50am

Run from Williams Lake (Afternoon x 2):

i) Leave Boitanio Mall at 1:00pm and 4:00pm
ii) Leave WL Band Office at 1:13pm and 4:13pm
iii) Leave 150 Mile Store (Marshall's Store) at 1:19pm and 4:19pm
iv) Leave 150 Mile Mall at 1:23pm and 4:23pm

Run from 150 Mile House (Afternoon x 2)

i) Leave 150 Mile Mall at 1:23pm and 4:23pm
ii) Leave WL Band Office at 1:32pm and 4:32pm
iii) Arrive at Boitanio Mall at 1:50pm and 4:50pm

While I believe that Transit/Handi-DART will eventually be a good thing for Fringe Areas residents and I also believe that buy-in from area residents will need to happen as to route/costs. The present route from 150 Mile House into Williams Lake will be a failure as it is not designed to get maximum buy-in from area residents, in terms of usage

I guess we'll need to see the actual usage numbers to see whether or not my concerns are warranted

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