Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Central Cariboo/City of Williams Lake Joint Committee Meeting

This evening, members of the Central Cariboo/City of WL Joint Committee met to consider a number of items including the future of solid waste in the Central Cariboo (ie: Recycling, diversion of waste, etc) (Note - Directors R. Mumford / A. Bracewell and Mayor Nelson, Councillor Wolbers not present)

Review of the Solid Waste Plan for the Central Cariboo - Recommendations:

i) Close Wildwood Transfer Station

ii) Have Recycling Depot at Central Cariboo Transfer Station - Area 'F' Director Duncan Barnett is opposed to this and prefers another location for these bins

iii) Have attendants at 150 Mile + Central Cariboo Transfer Station - Councillor Ed Mead wants to ensure that attendants are friendly towards the public and ensure the right material gets to the right bin

iv) Increase Tipping Fees

These recommendations, I'm sure, will be subject to the 2009 Town Hall Meetings. I suspect that the closure of the Wildwood Transfer Site will not sit too well with Area 'D' Residents. I still question Area 'F' Director Duncan Barnett's approach to working with the City of Williams Lake to having a strong "Central Cariboo" Recycling Program. Instead of confrontation, he needs to lower his voice and request Staff to look at different options to ensure Recycling is available to all Area D, E and F residents'. I don't particularly care for his confrontational nature towards Staff especially when he reads something in a newspaper and then waving it at a meeting in a confrontational nature and claim "Why wasn't I consulted". My approach is different - work with Staff behind the scenes when I have a difference with them or when something is in the paper and need clarification on it.

Also - we should see something on Marie Sharpe Elementary next year. A Policy Change from Victoria (Ministry of Education) means some more work on the Marie Sharpe Elementary school project. The 5-year, $750,000 Central Cariboo Joint Committee made to the Board of Education - SD#27 to go towards a community gym is still a go (at this point)

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