Sunday, September 14, 2008

Local Government Elections

This is a friendly reminder, to those who read my Blog, that notwithstanding the current Federal Election, there are going to local government elections in the Fall for the following:

School Boards (SD 27 and 28) - 7 Trustees to be elected

City of Williams Lake - 1 Mayor and 6 Councillors to be elected

City of Quesnel - 1 Mayor and 6 Councillors to be elected

District of 100 Mile House/Wells - 1 Mayor and 4 Councillors to be elected

Cariboo Regional District - 12 Electoral Area Directors from Areas A-L to be elected

It only takes 2 voters from each School Trustee Zone, City of Williams Lake and Quesnel and Districts of 100 Mile House and Wells as well as CRD Electoral Areas A-L to nominate a individual to an office. Chief Election Officers' may take nominations on Tuesday, September 30th at 9:00am until Friday, October 10th, 2008 at 4pm. No further nominations will be accepted after 4pm on Friday, October 10th

Quesnel Local Elections:

We know that 2 Individuals (Mayor Bello and Councillor Mary Sjostrom) will be seeking the Mayors' Chair in Quesnel, 1 SD 28 Trustee (Louise Scott) is retiring and another SD 28 Trustee (Caroline Nielsen - current SD 28 Chair - Board of Education) will seek re-election. Councillor Sushil Thapar will be seeking re-election

Williams Lake Elections:

Councillor Paul French has announced that he wants to become the next Mayor of Williams Lake. It is rumoured that Kerry Cook intends to, at some future point, to announce that she will seek the Mayor's Chair for a unprecedented 4th time. Laurie Walters and Chuck Pearson have both announced that they want to be City Councillors. Incumbents Tom Barr, Surinderpal Rathor and Judy O'Neill have not yet announced that they will be seeking re-election but I expect this to occur in due course but prior to October 10. Also, no one has indicated their intentions with respect to SD#27 Board Trustee Elections. I hope that the current Zone 4 (CRD Area 'F') Trustee and Zone 6 SD#27 Trustee (City of Williams Lake) are both defeated as they have failed to serve their residents and do what their residents' have asked of them and stand up for their respective schools. Also CRD Directors (Incumbents) for Areas D, E and F have not publicly stated their intentions for this fall's elections however, everyone does know I am running to become the next Area 'F' Director. No word about Area D and E elections though

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