Tuesday, October 28, 2008

WL Council Highlights - Oct 14/08

Delegation - Daniel Hutchins, Operations Manager for Interior Roads and Elcy LePage, Quality Manager for Central Cariboo Interior Roads spoke to Council regarding winter preparedness and road maintenance issues


1) A letter requesting a grant for the Rotary Club using Opportunity funds to support the
Gibraltar Room rental fee for the Citizen of the Year Banquet was received and approved

2) Council supported a request from the Royal Canadian Legion for the Poppy Campaign sale
days from November 1st to the 8th, authorized the use of the City Hall Lobby for the ceremonies
and approved the parade route for November 11th

3) Council approved a recommendation from the General Manager of Financial Services to lease a folder/inserter machine. Currently all folding and inserting of property tax notices, utility invoices and payroll cheques are done manually. The payback period would be approximately 3 years and will free up staff time to focus on other important tasks

4) As the Country Club Boulevard project is now complete and under budget, Council confirmed
that $400,000 of the $2,600,000 borrowed for the project will not be needed. The City’s
Liability Servicing Limit will be increased by $400,000. This “frees up additional borrowing capacity which will be available for future projects.

5) Council granted authorization to enter into the agreement with the Cariboo Regional District,
School District 27 and Thompson Rivers University for joint use of Recreation Facilities.
Under the agreement the parties will work together in a reciprocal arrangement for use of
properties, parks and facilities to benefit the residents of the broader Central Cariboo.

6) Applications for the Revitalization Tax Exemptions were approved for Scott & Jaz
Rentals Ltd. @ 267 2nd Ave North, Woodland Jewellers Ltd @ 150 Oliver Street, AJAX Holdings Ltd Inc @ 197 2nd Ave. N. and Dr. J.D. Neufeld Inc. @ 402 Borland Street. Under the exemption, properties in the specified downtown area who invest over $20,000 in renovations, will receive a three year exemption for tax increases on the City portion of their taxes

7) Council approved entering into a cost sharing agreement with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure for an engineering study at the intersection of Toop Rd. and Hwy 97 North. In addition, the engineering contract was awarded to L&M Engineering Ltd. This intersection has experienced a high number of vehicle crashes. Council wants the public to know that there
may be significant changes to these intersections including the possibility of closures

8) After negotiations with Safeway, it was agreed to add natural stone below the windows along the front face of the front elevation of the building. This links in with the City’s Façade program. Council approved the Development Permit for the upgrade.

9) Council supported a proposal submitted to UBCM for Healthy Food and Beverage Sales in
the Cariboo Memorial Complex. An audit of the food environment will start the process followed
by meetings with sports organizations, vending contractors and patrons to create awareness. A
Healthy Food Committee well then be formed to create a plan to have 70% of the food onsite
meet the Healthy Food Guidelines.

10) The annual Halloween Fireworks show will once again take place at the Stampede
Grounds. Bonfire will be lit at 6:30 followed by the fireworks show at 7:45. Council encourages
everyone to attend

11) Council approved Policy #198, which will restrict the installation of private aviation fuel
systems at the Williams Lake Regional Airport and will establish fuel discounts for lease
holders, license holders and volume purchasers. Restrictions are necessary to control the storage and dispensing of aviation fuel on Airport Lands and to mitigate the environmental/public safety and liabilities associated with third party fuel storage

12) Approval was given for the Winter Lights Christmas Magic Light-up Event and Santa’s
Candlelight Procession on Friday November 28, 2008. Staff was authorized to erect the
community Christmas Tree in Court House Square as well as heat barrels for the event

Next Council Meeting: November 4th, 2008

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