Friday, October 3, 2008

WL Council Highlights - Sept 30


1) Leeyann Allan from the Canadian Cancer Society invited Council to attend an upcoming cancer
workshop taking place Oct 18th at TRU. The day-long forum will include Key Note Speaker,
Dr. Lynda Belneaves

2) Steve Griffiths of the Timberwolves organization introduced himself to Council and is eager to get started with the marketing of the team. A corporate season ticket drive is currently
underway. Corporate tickets are $380 and $320 for General tickets which includes 30 home

3) Council was shown the CRD's "Welcome to the Cariboo-Chilcotin" DVD. This project was jointly completed by the City of Quesnel, Williams Lake, Cariboo-Chilcotin Coast Tourism Association, and the Soda Creek Indian Band. Council members were pleased with the DVD. This DVD was also shown at Canada House during the Beijing Olympics


1) A letter from the Community Policing Committe advised that they are seeking a new location for the Community Policing office as the existing location does not adequately serve the public.
The Committee requested Council consider the exiting Firehall upon relocation to a new Firehall. Councillor O’Neill suggested that the high cost of having moved several times is using a large portion of their budget and a permanent home needs to be located for them

2) Council authorized entering into an agreement with the Board of Education - School District No 27 which will allow Williams Lake Emergency Social Services to use School District buildings in the event of a large scale emergency

3) L&M Engineering was awarded the contract for the engineering design contract of Cameron
Street from the cul-de-sac east of 5th Avenue N. to 3rd Ave N. in the amount of $33,880

4) The No Parking zone located at 402 Pearkes Drive will be changed from the west side of the
street to the east side of the street. The block located at 402 Pearkes Drive is a short
and narrow section of road. This section of road serves as the entrance to Sun Ridge Gardens.
City staff have had problems in this area with respect to snow removal and maintenance of the
sidewalk. Staff was instructed to notify residences prior to implementing the changes

5) Council approved the deactivation of all water and mechanical systems in Cariboo Lodge at a
cost of $35,000. The system for Heritage House will remain operational

6) Development Permit application was received which will see the upgrade of the local Safeway
Store. Staff was directed to negotiate the incorporation of natural building materials
such as wood, rock, stone or brick into the exterior in order to suit the downtown façade
program. This is a $3 million project

7) The contract for this year’s winter road salt was awarded to McTar Divison of Lafarge Canada
for the tendered price of $162.64 per metric tonne. The City uses approximately 1,200 tons
per season

8) An agreement with First Choice Marketing (Margaret Lipke) Group will be entered into for
a term of five years for the maintenance and sale of advertising panels on the City bus

9) The following proclamations were made by

“Waste Reduction Week” - Oct 19th to 25th.
“Restorative Justice Week - Nov 16th to 23rd.
“Foster Family Month will be October of 2008.
“Small Business Week" - Oct 19th to 25th

10) At the invitation of Councillor Mary Sjostrom of Quesnel. A member of staff and one Councillor was approved to attend the Measuring Up the North Project Reception on Oct 2nd in Prince George

11) Councillors Ed Mead and Jon Wolbers informed Council that they would not be seeking reelection in November. Both expressed their sincerest thanks to the city staff and fellow
Council members. Mayor Nelson thanked them both for their hard work and wished them well
in their future endeavors

Next Council Meeting: October 14th, 2008 in Council Chambers (450 Mart Street)

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