Thursday, November 6, 2008

Prosperity Mine Project - Request from MLA Charlie Wyse to Mayor Scott Nelson and CRD Chair Jon Wolbers

At Tuesday night's Council meeting - Mayor Nelson, in a radio interview, indicated that both he and CRD Chair Jon Wolbers were approached by Charlie Wyse (MLA - Cariboo-South) and were asked to "back off" on their ecstatic support of the Prosperity Mine Project. This is regrettable because usually MLA's don't get directly involved in City Council / Regional Board matters.

However, with discontent of the project with local First Nations out west on Prosperity, this action by MLA Wyse may have more to do with next May's Provincial Election then genuine concern from local First Nations that have direct interests pertaining to the Prosperity Project

I would encourage everyone to please get out to the Public Open Houses on the Prosperity Project tomorrow (Friday) from 6pm to 8pm at the Gibraltar Room (located at Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex), and on Saturday from 10am until noon at the Gibraltar Room and then from 4pm until 6pm at the Alexis Creek Community Hall

I can not emphasize enough that this project must have broad public support, otherwise the Provincial/Federal Governments likely will not give their thumbs up to this project. And that would be a shame as Taseko Mines (Prosperity Mine proponent) has put considerable time/money into this mine project

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