Tuesday, February 3, 2009

City of Williams Lake Council Highlights - Jan 27/09


1) Certificates of Appreciation (Length of Service) were presented to those serving in the WL Fire Department and Central Cariboo Search and Rescue

2) Gareth Williams (CDC - Williams Lake) with Monica Johnson (Chair, Social Planning Council & Boys/Girls Club of Williams Lake) made a presentation re: Keith Pattison's Upcoming Presentation "What Kids Need - Building Blocks for Raising Healthy Children and Youth"

3) Susan Nelson, Anne Burrill, Brad McRae and Monica Johnson from the Social Planning Council made a Powerpoint presentation to Council re: "Communities that Care" Project


1) After receiving several delegations on Road Closure Bylaw #2080 (Hutchinson Rd), Council agreed to adopt the bylaw

2) Council granted 2nd Reading to Bylaws #2085/2086 (Jamboree Hotel Development - BC Housing), Bylaw #2084 (Dairy Queen Re-Development). These 3 Bylaws will be the subject of a Public Hearing on February 24th

3) Council's 10 New Strategic Goals for 2008-2011 are:

1) Develop and Implement a Community Safety Strategy;
2) Improve First Nations Relations;
3) Create Affordable Housing Opportunities;
4) Develop and Implement an Arts & Culture Plan;
5) Review the City Economic Development Strategy;
6) Support the Prosperity Mine Project;
7) Develop and Implement a Road Pavement Plan;
8) Develop and Implement an Integrated Community Sustainability Plan and an Official Community Plan Review;
9) Downtown Redevelopment;
10) Service Review

with the Values of the City for the period of 2008-2011:

1) Setting a Positive Tone;
2) Leadership by City Council;
3) Partnering with Others;
4) Communications in all Directions;
5) Emphasis on Results;
6) Celebration, Recognition and Appreciation

4) Sosua Project - Council will continue to support the Kids Explore International project with our sister city Sosua and assist in-kind with the collection of items initiative without financial commitment to the City.

5) Council's New Recycling Program will move forward with the authorization to purchase 5,800 Carts (1 for Regular Garbage / 1 for Recycling Materials). The program is scheduled to commence in April/May of 2009

6) At the recommendation of Councillor Natalie Montoya, Council agreed to dissolve the Health Advisory Committee. Council thanked the volunteers who have served on the Committee previously for their dedicated work

7) The 2009 Grant-in-Aide for the Indoor Rodeo will be released early, in accordance with City Policy #18. The funds will be used for the operation of the Indoor Rodeo at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex

Next Meeting Date: February 10/09

Next Committee of the Whole Meeting - Tuesday, Feb 3/09 at 6:30pm

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