Thursday, February 19, 2009

Letter to Mayor and Council (City of WL) and CRD Directors Bischoff, Mazur and Barnett (Areas D, E, F)

At the Feb 16th meeting of the CRD/City of WL Joint Town Hall meeting, I expressed some concerns I had with respect to the Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Function and the proposition of a Regional Arts, Culture and Heritage Function

See above for the letter I sent to the following individuals:

Mayor/Council - City of Williams Lake
CRD Director D. Bischoff (Area 'D' and Co-Chair - Central Cariboo/City of WL Joint Committee)
CRD Director S. Mazur (Area 'E')
CRD Director D. Barnett (Area 'F')
Janis Bell - CRD CAO (Chief Administrative Officer)
Alberto DeFeo - City of WL CAO

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