Thursday, February 19, 2009

Steve's Rant - Councillor Laurie Walters

At the Committee of the Whole Council meeting on Tuesday, Feb 17th, Councillor Walters, while discussing activities in her Portfolio, announced that she was leaving on vacation to Jamaica from Feb 27th - March 16th. With all that is going on in the local economy, she thinks it is fine to take a break. I obviously disagree with her and she is sending the wrong message to residents' in the City of Williams Lake. She needs to stay home and help with Council's efforts to resolve the Budget issues. Even Councillor Rathor isn't taking a vacation at this time and usually he would be away, at this time, in India for a 2 week break. She needs to show leadership by stating that all is not well in Williams Lake and now is not the time to go away on holidays. After all, being a Councillor or even the Mayor, there is no such thing is "personal time" or "I'm on vacation, and I'll deal with it when I return"

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