Sunday, March 29, 2009

Another Steve Rant: Conduct of Director Barnett at CRD Board of Directors Meeting on Friday, March 27th

At the beginning of the meeting, the Area 'F' Director (Duncan Barnett) suggested for several minutes that the Board has taken insufficient action with respect to the Board's Procedure Bylaw and also was unimpressed that CRD Staff can present late items with no difficulties but CRD Directors have a protocol to follow when desiring to present items to the Board for consideration.

The reason this is done is so sufficient research can be done on Resolutions, especially those that are present the same day and require research, prior to the Board making a decision on the said Resolution. I also believe it to be the "height of hypocrisy" for Director Barnett to complain that he is unable to present Resolutions for Board Consideration at the meeting but he had no difficulty with the process used to have the Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Function being brought into reality. Even though, public consultation was supposed to be completed prior to the July meeting of the CRD Board of Directors', as per Board Policy.

Also, requiring the CAO to review each and every Staff report being presented to the Board for consideration is not responsible. If the Board wants clarification/advice from the CAO on a individual matter, then no problem. But requiring the CRD's CAO (Chief Administrative Officer) to review each and every report leaves her with little other time to consider other matters that require her attention. Also, it would leave her with little, if any, personal time for herself. Local Government Officials (aka Directors') need to ensure that there is a balance for all Staff, between work and personal time

The tone that Director Barnett used towards the CRD CAO, the CRD Chair (Area 'G' Director Al Richmond) and CRD Area 'A' Director Ted Armstrong (both Treaty Advisory Committee Chair and the "dean" of the Board) was, in my judgment, inappropriate and he should apologize to the Board for the tone used. Being outspoken on subjects is great and should be encouraged, but the tone and language used should and needs to be respectful towards others

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