Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Committee of the Whole Meeting (WL Council) - March 3/09

Council Members' Present:

Mayor Cook with Councillors Barr, Bourdon, Rathor, Zacharias

Council Members' Absent:

Councillors Montoya and Walters

Staff Present:

Alberto DeFeo - Chief Administrative Officer
Brian Carruthers - General Manager of Community Services
Geoff Goodall - General Manager of Development Services
Sue Moxey - Director of Corporate Services
Ann Burrill - Social Development Manager


1) Eva Navrot, Project Coordinator, Community Action Plan on
Homelessness on Item S1 - Homeless Project

Ms. Navrot presented her report (Item S1) on the City's Homeless Plan. Points from the Plan include establishment of a "Rent Bank" for those who, through no fault of their own and can not pay their rent on time, may borrow money to cover rent and pay the borrowed monies over a 12 month period and looking into using Secondary Suites as housing

The Committee of the Whole recommended to Council:

"THAT Council receive and endorse the Community Action Plan on Homelessness"

Item R1 - Recreation Facilities - Priority Setting

Geoff Paynton (Director of Recreation Services - City of Williams Lake) gave an overview to his report (Item R1). Brian Carruthers then gave Council some further detail on where the City was with regards to planning for Recreation Facilities and stated that Phase 2 of CMRC (Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex) was the closest to be "shovel ready"

Priority List for Recreation Facilities, as established by Council were:

Priority #1 - Phase 2 of CMRC
Priority #2 - New Turf Facility (Indoor Soccer Facility)
Priority #3 - Performing Arts Centre
Priority #4 - Events Centre

Committee of the Whole agreed to refer the Report (Item R1) to the Central Cariboo/City of WL Joint Committee for further discussion

Item S1 - Coalition of Canadian Municipalities Against Racism and

Committee of the Whole recommended to Council:

THAT Council authorize the Mayor or alternate to attend the March 18‐19, 2009 meeting of the Coalition of Canadian Municipalities Against Racism and Discrimination and approve travel costs for attendance at the meeting.

Portfolio Updates:

Mayor Cook, Deputy Mayor Rathor and Councillor Zacharias gave verbal updates as activities occurring in their Portfolios

Mayor Cook was also authorized, by Poll of Council, to attend a Business Council of BC meeting in Prince George

Mayor and Council also reviewed their events calendar with a reminder to hand in their Campaign Financing Disclosure Forms, not later than Monday, March 16th. Also a reminder to Council to indicate to Ashley Evans, City's Executive Assistant whether or not they were attended NCMA/UBCM

Meeting adjourned at 8:35pm

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