Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Committee of the Whole Meeting - Tuesday June 7th

Present: All Members of WL City Council

Staff Present: Sue Moxey (Corporate Officer), Brian Carruthers (Acting CAO), Darcy Lazzarin (General Manager of Corporate Services), Liliana Dragowska (City Planner), and Geoff Goodall (General Manager of Planning and Operations)

Meeting called to order at 6:30pm

Delegation - Mike Jacobsen/Andre Chevigny re: Item D1 - Renaming of Streets at Prosperity Ridge Site

Mr. Jacobsen/Mr. Chevigny requested the Committee to change the name of the streets on the site from Rick Hansen/Stevenson to Pioneer/Prosperity

Several Council members' noted that perhaps the Street Naming Policy, relative to the name of streets on private developments' was not necessarily followed and the precedent set by previous Councils' was not followed either

The Public Works Portfolio was tasked with addressing this issue with a request to report directly to Council at its' earliest opportunity. The delegation left the meeting at 6:53pm

The Committee also recommended to Council the following:

1) Williams Lake Downtown Parking Commission Repeal Bylaw #2092 be given 3 readings
2) Williams Lake Traffic Control Bylaw #2093 be given 3 readings

The Committee also reviewed the Cariboo Memorial Complex Management Agreement with the Cariboo Regional District. This matter will also be discussed at Thursday's Joint Committee meeting with the CRD Directors' for Electoral Areas D, E, F, J and K.

The Committee adjourned at 7:30pm

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