Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Quesnel Council Meeting - Monday, July 20th

Present: All members of Quesnel Council

Staff Present:

Byron Johnson - City Manager
Sandy Brunt - Executive Assistant
Matt Wood - Communications Supervisor
Tanya Turner - City Planner
Jack Marsh - Director of Public Works
Harlene Hunt - Transportation Manager

Meeting called to order at 7:03pm


1) Council received a report detailing the progress on the new pedestrian underpass on Hwy. 97 South at the top of Dragon Lake Hill. The underpass will create a new, safe link between South Quesnel and the City's Riverfront Trail System.
The original completion date was June 30, but a number of unforeseen problems arose during construction. Crews had to replace unsuitable soil under the highway to lay the new underpass concrete sections on. They also had to construct a retaining pond to hold excess ground water. The additional work has moved the completion date to July 31.The additional work has increased costs for the project from an initial budget of $988,863 (which was funded entirely by grants from the federal and provincial governments) to $1,085,860. Once the contingency sum of $25,000 is subtracted, the City needs an additional $72,000 to complete the project. Fortunately, the City can take this amount from its Community Works Fund (which is also made up of grant funding). While the project is behind schedule, there should be no additional costs to City of Quesnel taxpayers

2) Council approved the location and budget for a new bulk water filling plant. The plant is designed to provide large-scale users of water with easier access to water while allowing the City to recover the ongoing costs associated with operating a water service.The plant will be set up on the north side of the Hwy. 97 interchange with North Star Road, in one of the sections of the cloverleaf owned by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure. The budget is $583,000, with the City contributing $313,000. The City received $200,000 from Western Economic Diversification and $70,000 from the Northern Development Initiative Trust to support the project - Councillor Oakes opposed

3) The camera on the Fraser River Footbridge will be replaced this year.
The camera can no longer record images useful for police investigations. As a result, the City will invest $25,000 towards the purchase of three new cameras that will be used to monitor the footbridge, the Spirit Square and the skateboard park in West Quesnel.

4) Council endorsed a report from the RCMP regarding the detachment's strategic priorities for 2009-2010. The detachment will focus on several issues, including:

Targeting a small percentage of individuals who drive much of the criminal activity.
Implementing foot patrols in business communities.
Continued impaired driving enforcement.
Continued education programs for youth and First Nations.
Targeting cocaine dealers and grow operations
Bringing the Bait Car program to Quesnel

The initiatives will be tracked by the detachment, with quarterly reports to the City

5) Council will send a letter to the United Steelworkers Local 1-425 supporting the organization's goals of assessing their workforce, developing training plans that meet individual and company needs, and providing ongoing support for training and upgrading.


The City received a national award from the Welcome Wagon for being that organization's Community of the Year (populations from 8,000 to 15,000).

Also - Quesnel Council made use of its new paperless agenda for the first time. Council and staff now use computers to view the agenda. This will save significant paper and staff time that was previously used to create paper-based agendas


Road racing Days - August 1 and 2.

Important Dates:

Kidney Foundation Give the Gift of Life Walk -> August 9, 1 p.m. at LeBourdais Park

Future Meeting Dates:

August 10th - Delegation Session

August 17th - Regular Council Meeting

August 24th - Committee of the Whole

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