Sunday, September 20, 2009

Outcome of BC Liberals - Cariboo-Chilcotin Riding Association AGM on Sept 19th

The AGM of the BC Liberals - Cariboo-Chilcotin Riding Association was held in 100 Mile on September 19th and 22 people came out to the AGM

Meeting commenced at 1:18pm

Ken Wilson, in his final report as President, thanked everyone for their support over the last 9 years including Tory Kier who served as Treasurer over the same time period. Tory Kier was also stepping down as Treasurer

A lot of discussion took place around how to keep the membership engaged, in the period between elections. It was noted that a "mini-conference" involving all 5 Ridings in Zone 4 (Cariboo-Chilcotin, Fraser-Nicola, Kamloops-North & South Thompson and Shuswap) should take place in the near future

Donna Barnett also gave a report to all present and noted the following:

* Thanks to all who helped her get elected
* Thanks to Ken Wilson for serving as President of the Riding Association for the last 9 years
* Information campaign re: HST, Provincial Budget, etc to commence ASAP in local media
* Will be spending 2 Days in Chilcotin Region in October
* Ministers Pat Bell and Colin Hansen to be in the riding in the month of October
* Please keep me informed on local issues when I'm not in the riding and forward to me, via email or directly to my staff for follow-up

The following individuals were elected to the Executive for a 1 year term:

Bill Carruthers - President
Ken Greenall - Vice-President
Steve Forseth - Secretary
Walt Cobb - Treasurer
Gillian Pledge - Membership Chair
John McCarvill - Policy Chair

Directors-at-Large will be:

*Sheila Mortensen
* Tom Hoffman
* Walter Bramsleven
* Keith Dufresne
* Guenter Weckerle
* Ron Harrod
* Arnold Abram
* Karen Roberts

New Riding Association President Bill Carruthers commented on the following, while giving his inaugural address:

* Work on Youth Vote
* Review on Election Results from 2009 Provincial Election
* Re-establish Major Fundraising Event in Riding, to occur in spring or fall - Director-at-Large W. Bramsleven and the Riding Association President to take place and then take ideas to full Executive for discussion and decision

Meeting adjourned at 3:12pm

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