Thursday, September 24, 2009

WL Council Highlights - September 22/09

Meeting called to order at 7:30pm

Present - Mayor Cook with Councillors Rathor, Montoya, Walters, Bourdon and Zacharias

Absent - Councillor T. C. Barr


1) RCMP Sgt Warren Brown made a number of presentations to newly-minted Aux. RCMP in the Cariboo-Chilcotin

2) Jarrett Akeson publicly apologized to Council for his actions from earlier this year - Mayor Cook accepted Mr. Akeson's apology to Council, on behalf of Council


1) Council adopted a number of Central Cariboo Joint Committee Reports involving:

i) First Nation Liaison Position - lobby Province for continued funding for this position. If no money from the Province is forthcoming, then Council/CRD to attempt to fund this position in 2010

ii) CRD Procedure Bylaw Review Committee - Councillor Zacharias was appointed to this Committee

iii) Regional Sustainability Coordinator Position - request from the Central Cariboo Sustainability Committee for funding to support the Regional Sustainability Coordinator position be denied and the community committees be encouraged to network.

iv) New Food and Beverage Policy -
Policy of the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex to meet or exceed the 2007 Guidelines for Food and Beverage Sales in BC Schools and the 2007 Nutritional Guidelines for Vending Machines in BC Public Buildings be endorsed.

2) Permissive Property Tax Exemption Bylaw for 2010 adopted

3) 2 UBCM Resolutions (Non-Payment of Industrial Property Taxes, Restorative Justice) referred to Mayor and 5 Councillors (Rathor, Montoya, Zacharias, Bourdon and Walters) attending UBCM Convention

4) Letter from CRD re: 2010 Forest Capital of BC - Letter received, Letter of Support to be forwarded to the CRD and referred to City of WL Staff to identify a Staff Liaison

5) 3 Proclamations - Small Business Week, Fire Prevention Week and Waste Reduction Week - all during the month of October

6) In-Camera #4 - 2009 (Appt to City APC for balance for 2009) - Report received confirming Steve Forseth, Charlene Hays, Dan Hay and Ian Klepsch as members of the City's APC for the balance of 2009

7) Late Item #1 - Council
awarded the Contract for the Mackenzie Avenue Pavement Assessment and Overall Pavement Management Plan to EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd. for the amount of $160,228.00, excluding GST; and further, $6,000.00 be allocated from the 2010 budget to complete the Overall Pavement Management Plan

8) Late Item #2 -
That pursuant to In-Camera Report #5-2009, the letters from Prosperity Ridge Developments Ltd. dated September 11, 2009 and the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure dated September 14, 2009, and the directive of Council to reaffirm support for the Prosperity Ridge development and to work with the developer and Ministry of Transportation to identify a solution for traffic issues on South Lakeside and Highway 20 that satisfies the interest of all parties, be brought forward to a Regular Meeting of Council for the public record

Council meeting adjourned at 8:30pm to resume In-Camera

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