Friday, October 9, 2009

CRD Finance/Budget Committee Meeting - Oct 8/09


Chair A. Dumaresq, Directors Armstrong, Faust, Bischoff, Mazur, Richmond, Area 'I' Alternate Director Ken Falloon, Mumford, Rattray, Sjostrom, Campsall and Zacharias


Directors Massier, Barnett, Bracewell and Vermette

Meeting called to order at 2:35pm

Topics Discussed:

  1. Level 3 Priorities List - consideration of this item was deferred until April of 2010
  2. Per Diem Rates
  3. Functions with Requisition Increases
  4. Functions with No Requistion changes
  5. Functions with Requisition Decreases

City of WL Director Sue Zacharias, seconded by Area 'B' Director Roberta Faust then moved:

"That the Business Plans for 2010 be adopted"


It was commented that the Business Plans approval process would change in time for the 2011 Fiscal Year so Directors will have a complete picture when approving Business Plans for 2011

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