Saturday, October 3, 2009

Premier and Carole James speak at UBCM

This past week, the UBCM (Union of BC Muncipalities) held their annual convention in Vancouver. This is an opportunity for all local governments (Cities, Towns, Villages, Districts and Regional Districts) to lobby cabinet ministers' on their local concerns and projects

There are also plenty of seminars and policy discussions that take place during this convention

As well, the provincial Leader of the Opposition and the Premier speak at the tail-end of the convention. The Leader of the Opposition speaks on the Thursday and the Premier speaks on the Friday

This past Thursday, Carole James (BC NDP Leader and Leader of the Official Opposition) spoke to 400 Delegates and although her speech was full of usual NDP rhetoric, it contained 1 item that set off alarm bells

She called for corporate tax cuts from the Carbon Tax to be suspended for next year and 2011 and that money re-diverted into a "Green Fund" to finance "Green" projects and transit throughout BC. She estimated the amount in this "Green Fund" by 2011-12 to be $150 million.

After her speech was done, there was an immediate reaction by Rick Jeffery, President of the Coast Forest Products Association who said:

"To me, what she said today makes us think the us versus them is the NDP versus business," he said."

Carole James has some serious fence mending to do if she wants to be Premier as she needs the centre-right vote, along with the NDP base, if she ever wants to be Premier. But speculation is that she might not make it to 2013 as some in the BC NDP want her replaced before then to ensure the BC Liberals' defeat in 2013. Personally - I don't see it happening

On Friday, the Premier gave his usual address to UBCM Delegates. He reviewed numerous topics including introduction of the HST and why it had to be done and the fact that Victoria is still going to proceed, even though a resolution from the UBCM membership passed by a vote of 185-159 calling on Victoria to halt introduction of the HST (Harmonized Sales Tax)

Also, he announced the formation of a task force to review the Local Government Election structure including a new Chief Electoral Officer for local government elections and passage of a new "Local Government Election Act" in time for the 2011 civic election. The task force will be co-chaired by the Minister of Community and Rural Development and the President of the UBCM along with 2 designates from the UBCM and 2 Government MLA's.

Vaughn Palmer reviews the Premier's speech here
Micheal Smyth reviews Carole James's speech here

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