Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Quesnel Council Meeting - October 19th, 2009

Quesnel Council Highlights – Monday, October 19th, 2009 Meeting (Meeting held in Quesnel Council Chambers)

Present: Mayor M. Sjostrom and Councillors C. Oakes, R. Paull, S. Thapar, L. Roodenburg and P. Couldwell


Councillor Mike Cave

Staff Present:

Byron Johnson – City Manager
Lori Scott – Deputy Corporate Administrator
Matt Wood – Communications Supervisor
Kari Bolton – Director of Finance
Jack Marsh – Director of Public Works & Engineering
Tanya Turner – City Planner
Robert Bardua – IT Assistant

Meeting called to order at 7:00pm

Invocation given by Councillor L. Roodenburg

Agenda with late items was adopted

Minutes of August 31st, September 14th (Regular Meetings’) and the Special Meeting of October 5th were adopted

Public Hearing Minutes of September 21st were received


1) Helen Agren – recipient of BCSLA Resident of the Year LEAP Award (resident of Maeford Place)

Mayor Sjostrom gave a brief description of Ms. Agren’s life. Ms. Agren was then presented with a plaque from Mayor and Council.

2) Introduction of New Quesnel RCMP Officers’ by Staff-Sgt Gary Clark-Marlow(Quesnel RCMP Detachment Commander)

3) Baker Creek Enhancement Society – update on Dragon Creek Restoration Project

Ms. House and Ms. Bond, on behalf of DFO (Department of Fisheries and Oceans) and the Society gave a PowerPoint Presentation updating Council on the Dragon Creek Restoration Project.

Council resolved to write a letter of support to the Baker Creek Enhancement Society for this Project

Council Committee Reports:

1) Committee of the Whole Meeting – September 21st

Mayor Sjostrom reported on the outcome of this meeting.

Council agreed to proceed with Five Revitalization Projects in Downtown area. Money to come from Community Adjustment Fund Grant.

Item K12 – Letter from Quesnel DBA (Downtown Business Association) re: Downtown Revitalization Program

Deputy Corporate Administrator read aloud the letter. Carol Pitkin from the Quesnel DBA introduced the project manager to Council

Letter received

2) Committee of the Whole Meeting – Oct 5th

Acting Mayor Roodenburg reviewed the proceedings of this meeting with Council

3) Health Advisory Committee meeting of September 10th

Councillor Couldwell reviewed the proceedings of this meeting with Council

4) North Cariboo Recreation and Parks Commission Meeting of September 3rd

Councillor Roodenburg reviewed the proceedings of this meeting with Council

5) CRD Board Meetings of September 18th and October 9th

Mayor Sjostrom reviewed the proceedings of these meetings with Council

6) UBCM (Union of BC Municipalities) Reports

Mayor & Council reviewed their UBCM Reports

City Staff Reports:

1) Annual Water Report, City of Quesnel – Mr. Marsh reviewed his report with Council. Council resolved to receive the Report
2) DP #30-2009 (Baker Holdings Ltd) – Ms. Turner reviewed her report with Council. Council resolved to issue DP#30-2009 subject to 2 Conditions as Staff Recommendation and Landscaping Security being obtained
3) Computer Loan Program – Ms. Bolton reviewed her report with Council. Council resolved to eliminate the Computer Loan Program.
4) Pandemic Report – Mr. Johnson reviewed his report with Council. Council resolved to approve the Pandemic Plan
5) DP #2209-31 – Ms. Turner reviewed her report with Council. Council resolved to issue DP#31-2009
6) HST Impact – City of Quesnel – Ms. Bolton reviewed her report with Council. Council resolved to receive the report.
7) DP #32-2009 (Billy Barker Casino) – Ms. Turner reviewed her report with Council. Council resolved to issue DP#32-2009
8) Bulk Water Tender – Mr. Marsh reviewed his report with Council. Council resolved to award the tender to Cottonwood River Contracting Ltd for $289,254.45 (excluding GST). Several concerns indicated by Council include project taking too long to finish, water charge rate (report on this to come forward at a future Council meeting). Mayor Sjostrom called the question on the Motion and following vote took place:

Yeas - Mayor Sjostrom and Councillors Thapar, Couldwell, Roodenburg

Nays - Councillors Oakes and Paull

9) Motor Grader Tender – Mr. Marsh reviewed his report with Council. Council resolved to award the tender to Brandt Tractor for $208,280.80 for a John Deere 770G
10) Building Inspection and Account Payable Clerk Cheque Lists – items received

Council Information Package - Individual Council members brought various items from the CIP forward for review.


Council reviewed various Correspondence.

• Letter to be forwarded to Cariboo Regional District from City of Quesnel to support Forest Capital of Canada Designation for 2010-2011
• Council agreed to purchase 1 table at Quesnel Palliative Care Dinner and Auction
• Council proclaimed Nov 15-22 as Restorative Justice week in the City of Quesnel
• Quesnel Downtown Association authorized to host on December 4th a “Santa Parade”
• Letter from Lions Club re: Canada Day and Family Day referred to Canada Day Committee for review
• Delegation from Quesnel to go to Shiraoi, Japan in 2011
• Request from Bank of Montreal for handicapped parking spot referred to 2010 Budget Process
• Council to write a letter to Solicitor-General Kash Heed re: Concerns around User Fees for PRIME
• Council to give $1000 sponsorship for Chamber for Commerce Business Excellence Award Night (Councillor Oakes declared a conflict and left the meeting as she's the Chamber Executive Director). Councillor Thapar noted that this might not be an appropriate use of taxpayers' dollars, at this time of economic upheaval.

Mayor Sjostrom called the question on the Motion and the following Vote took place:

Yeas - Mayor Sjostrom and Councillors Roodenburg, Couldwell
Nays - Councillors Paull and Thapar

Councillor Oakes returned to the meeting


Quesnel 2010-2012 Tax Exempting Bylaws Nos. 1667 and 1668, 2009 – Bylaws were adopted

Information and Announcements:

Mayor & Councillors gave information on various activities ongoing in the City of Quesnel

Meeting adjourned at 9:50pm

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