Friday, October 16, 2009

Service Delivery Plan - Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Function & City of WL Arts and Culture Plan

Earlier this summer, the CRD/City of WL commenced a process to develop a Service Delivery Plan for the Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Function

Also, WL Council, at its' Strategic Planning Session held in December of 2008, made 10 Strategic Corporate Goals for this term of 2008-2011 which included:

"Develop and implement an Arts and Culture Plan"

The City should have approached the Central Cariboo Joint Committee and said -- If we have a sub-regional Arts and Culture Function, then let's have a sub-regional Arts and Culture Strategic Plan, which identifies goals for the Arts and Culture sector in the Central Cariboo and identify possible funding sources in this Plan, including the Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Function and other government & non-profit group grants.

By doing this, we would have a vision and a plan to have a vibrant and energetic Arts and Culture Sector, here in the Central Cariboo Region

We can't have a Service Delivery Plan - Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Function for the Central Cariboo region, which covers all of Williams Lake plus CRD Electoral Areas D, E, F and then an Arts and Culture Plan, solely for the City of Williams Lake. It demonstrates very poor planning and vision-setting for both the City and the Central Cariboo region

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