Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thursday News Round-up

WL Tribune reports that the TNG (Chilcotin National Government) is now asking the Canadian Environmental Assessment Office to apply confidentiality to some of their maps that they providing for the overall assessment on whether or not to proceed to a Federal Government Environment Assessment Public Hearing - story is here

Also - this past Tuesday, CRD Area 'E' Director Steve Mazur held a meeting in the CRD Boardroom with residents of the Flett Subdivision. They discussed a DVP (Development Variance Permit) that was issued to Lee Bunce earlier this year to permit him to have a big shed on his property with conditions that it be used for private use only. This, even though, Mr. Bunce had already built the structure prior to applying for a DVP and Building Permit to allow it in the Flett Subdivision. It was also commented that the DVP was approved, even though both the CRD Planning/Building Departments and numerous residents were opposed to the approval of the DVP for Mr & Ms Bunce. There is now a "Notice on Title" applied on the Bunce's property title.

Earlier today, I submitted the following "Letter to the Editor" to the Williams Lake Tribune, in support of Director Mazur:

On Tuesday, November 10th, CRD Area ‘E’ Director Steve Mazur held a meeting with Flett Subdivision residents’ over a Development Variance Permit given to Lee Bunce by the CRD Board of Directors’ at its’ June 19th Meeting. For the record, the CRD Directors’ for Electoral Areas ‘A’ to ‘L’ were eligible to vote on the issuance of the DVP to Lee Bunce.

However, I believe it was unfair and unfortunate that Director Mazur was forced to defend, in essence, a Board decision, even though the DVP that was issued is for a piece of property in his Electoral Area. It would have been better if a number of Directors’ who voted in the affirmative had been present at the Nov 10th meeting with Director Mazur to explain why they voted to issue a DVP to Lee Bunce. Again, why should Steve Mazur be forced himself to defend a decision of the CRD Board?

I hope, in the future, I don’t be witness to one Director being put into the position of defending a decision of the CRD Board of Directors

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