Tuesday, November 17, 2009

WL Council Meeting Highlights - Nov. 17th, 2009

WL Council Highlights – Nov 17/09 Meeting (Meeting held in Williams Lake Council Chambers)

Present: Mayor Kerry Cook & Councillors Rathor, Montoya, Barr, and Zacharias

Absent: Councillors Laurie Walters and Geoff Bourdon (away on civic business – trip to China)

Staff Present:

Brian CarruthersCAO
Cindy Bouchard – Corporate Services Records Coordinator
Tom Cheung – IT Manager
Anne Burill – Social Development Manager
Lilliana Dragowska – City Planner

Meeting called to order at 7:30pm

Invocation (Opening Prayer) given by Councillor Rathor

Council approved minutes of the Nov 3rd 2009 Council Meeting


1) Lilliana Dragowska, City Planner – Presentation of Video on ICSP “Youth Engagement”

2) Tatjana Bates, Food Policy Council re "2009 Taste of the Cariboo" Local Food Festival

Council authorized City Staff to assist with preparations for the 2010 “Taste of the Cariboo” Food Festival


1) Council approved numerous Central Cariboo Joint Committee Recommendations including:

• Amending Terms of Reference for the Central Cariboo Recreation Advisory Committee
• New Fees and Charges Bylaw
• Business, Financial and Capital Plans for 2010 – Central Cariboo Recreation Function
• Waive Fee for use of Gibraltar Room for Remembrance Day Ceremony – free use of the Gibraltar Room for Remembrance Day ceremonies in the future will become part of the new Fees and Charges Bylaw
• Joint Committee 2010 Meeting Schedule
• Approved 2010 Grant in Aid applications
• Remaining $4,000 in Grant-in-Aid funds to be set aside for future use, subject to approval by the Central Cariboo Joint Committee

2) Council gave 1st, 2nd, and 3rd reading to Bylaw 2106 of 2009 which, if adopted, would authorize temporary borrowing of money to finance City Operations in advance of property tax revenue. Councillor Barr noted that the temporary borrowing measure has never been used in well over 10 years

3) Council approved an application to be submitted to Affordability and Choice Today (ACT) for $5,000 to assist in addressing secondary suites in the City.

4) Street Naming Bylaw No. 2105 - "Pioneer Drive" & "Prosperity Way" (Wal-Mart Development)

Council adopted this Bylaw

5) 2009 Annual Violence Awareness and Prevention Committee "Walk, Ride, Drive of Remembrance" and "Purple Ribbon Campaign"

Council agreed to the following:

“December 6, 2009 be recognized as a Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women, and approval be given for the annual "Walk, Ride, Drive of Remembrance" to be held on December 7, 2009 at 5:00 pm and the community be encouraged to participate”

6) Council proclaimed December 1st, 2009 as "World Aids Day" in the City of Williams Lake


Council Members’ discussed activities/events in the City that they participated in or wanted residents’ to know about

Council then adjourned at 8:25pm with Council going immediately into an In-Camera (Closed) meeting pursuant to Section 90(1c) of the Community Charter

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