Friday, December 4, 2009

Steve Rant - Mayor Cook and Ineptitude

Ineptitude is defined as:

1. unable to handle job: lacking the competence or skill for a particular task

On Wednesday, the City of Williams Lake issued a press release on the date, time and place for the Public Information Meeting for the City's 2010 Budget. This information was posted on the City's website Wednesday and also ran in both the Williams Lake Tribune (as an article) and in the Wednesday, December 2nd edition of the Advisor in the "City Page Ad" section.

Yesterday, however, the City issued another press release advising that the time for the Public Information Meeting - City of Williams Lake 2010 Budget had changed from 6:30 to 7:30pm. Now, unless you were aware of the City's new press release, looked at the City website or go to, then residents' won't know about the meeting time change until the day of the meeting, as I expect the Tribune on Tuesday to run the updated information for the public meeting - City of WL 2010 Budget

Unfortunately, this is another example of ineptitude by Mayor Cook's office. Once you set a time for a meeting, you should stick to it unless a dire emergency forces you to change it

Speaking of ineptitude, the City did not vigorously ensure that its' "City Page Ad" ran in both the Tribune and Advisor this week (ran in the Advisor but did not run in this week's Tribune (both Tuesday and Thursday's editions') and this is necessary to ensure that the information that the City needs to get out gets spread over multiple media sources

Also - the City had suspended, for a time, doing Council Highlights. However, Council has agreed to resume doing Council Highlights once again. This is an example of the new Council Highlights just released on Tuesday, December 1st:

Council meeting highlights
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Loan Authorization Bylaw 2108 – Mackenzie Avenue Rehabilitation

Council gave three readings to Bylaw 2108, authorizing the borrowing of up to $3.5 M to undertake rehabilitation/resurfacing of Mackenzie Avenue.

Key points:

• Federal and Provincial Governments have contributed $7M toward the project.

• Work is required to repair significant rutting and deterioration of Mackenzie Avenue.

• Final approval of the bylaw is subject to approval of electors through an Alternate Approval Process, requiring that less than 10% of electors petition against the bylaw.

• Pre-design study currently being completed to define the scope of work.

• Alternative surfacing technologies and construction will be utilized to ensure longevity of road.

• City will work with Industry and Ministry of Transportation to identify opportunities to mitigate wear on the road in the future.

Prosperity Ridge Access Engineering

Council passed a resolution authorizing staff to retain TRUE Consulting Group to develop road network improvement options to provide sufficient access to the Prosperity Ridge development at a cost of $25,000.

Key Points:

• Current road infrastructure appears to be at capacity with the recent opening of Wal-Mart and will require longer term monitoring.

• Prosperity Ridge wants to develop the second phase of their development for additional retail and service.

• There must be adequate vehicle access to the site in order to allow removal of a no-build covenant.

• Options for adequate traffic flows include upgrades to South Lakeside Drive and associated intersections from Hwy 20 to Prosperity Way or a new, dedicated access road from Hwy 20 above Parallel Wood Products.

• Due to long term implications/benefits for other businesses in the area and the residents of South Lakeside Drive, the City wants to identify the most practical and financial viable option for enhancing traffic capacity.

Extension of Services to Dog Creek Road Area

Council passed a resolution, approving in principle, the request of the CRD to explore options for extending municipal water and/or sewer services to the Dog Creek Road area.

Key points:

• Residents of the lower Dog Creek Road area are experiencing water quality issues associated with contaminated wells.

• The CRD is exploring options to provide these residents with water and/or sewer service.

• One option is to extend the City water and sewer services beyond the City boundary on a fee for service basis.

• This resolution allows the CRD to further investigate this option, at no cost to the City of Williams Lake.

Now, contrast that to previous Council Highlights issued by the City (from the September 9th, 2008 meeting of WL City Council):


Several delegations appeared at Tuesday’s Council meeting.

The City said goodbye to Corporal Dan Brennan of the RCMP and recognized his 20 years of service to the Community with a certificate of recognition. Sponsors for the Brahma Bull statue were recognized with framed photographs donated by Woodland Jewellers.

Irene Willsie presented Council with information regarding the upcoming “Take Back the Night” walk against violence event which will take place on September 26th 2008 at 5:30 starting from Boitaino Park. The final presenter was Laurie McKenzie who presented a petition with 2500 signatures from citizens requesting additional
RCMP officers to help combat crime in the City.

Revitalization Tax Exemption
Council gave three readings to the bylaw and directed staff to proceed with the required
advertising. The tax exemption bylaw allows property owners in the downtown specified area to maintain their current level of City taxes for up to three years based on a minimum
investment (improvement) to their property.

City Requests Reimbursement
Council will send a letter to Interior Health putting them on notice they will be billed
annually on a per call basis until such time that they fulfill their mandate of providing a detox
centre and/or demonstrate a significant
reduction in the utilization of RCMP resources to
deal with the issue of intoxication on the community. The RCMP report that there were
over 1200 reported cases and 800 arrests due to persons intoxicated in the community. Council recognizes that this is taking much needed resources away from the RCMP and feels that Interior Health needs to be a participant in a solution.

Supportive Housing Complex
The public hearing was held prior to Tuesdays’ Council Meeting. Council then gave third
reading and adopted the bylaw for the OCP and zoning amendments which will bring a new
Supportive Housing Complex for the Cariboo Friendship Society. Council acknowledge the
hard work of everyone involved and gave credit to the fact that the project will be done to LEED "Gold” environmental standards.

The City Turns 80
2009 is the official 80th birthday of the City of Williams Lake. Council directed staff to
prepare a celebration to recognize the event.

The week of October 5th – 11th, 2008 has been proclaimed as "Fire Prevention Week" in the
City of Williams Lake, pursuant to City Policy. The week of September 29th to Oct 5th has been declared as “Celebrate Life” week in the City.

Support for BC Heritage Sites
At the request of BC Heritage Properties, Council directed staff to write a letter of
support encouraging the Provincial Government to support BC Heritage Sites which include
Barkerville, Cottonwood House and Hat Creek Ranch.

Firehall Contract
The Construction Management Contract for the new firehall was awarded to Liberty Contract Management Inc. from Vancouver in the amount of $550,000. Liberty will be
responsible for tendering the various components of the firehall which has a total
budget of $6.5 million. The expectation is that many of the tenders will remain local.
Construction on the firehall will likely start this fall or early spring.

Zoning Approvals

Council gave 2nd reading to the application from Aviator Hotel which will see a 136 room, five story hotel located beside the Loon Restaurant. A Public hearing will take place on October 14th.

Quite frankly, the Council Highlights of September 8th is a shining example of how a Council Highlights should be done. The Council Highlights on December 1st is a shining example of how not to do Council Highlights

Council Highlights should include:

* Delegations received
* Major Business conducted including a brief description of the item discussed
* Any Bylaw(s) considered
* Any Proclamations issued

Now, that doesn't stop the City from issuing press releases on specific items that Council considered that require more detailed information, so the public is aware of it

I hope and pray that Council will do the above, with regard to its' Council Highlights in the future

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