Saturday, February 6, 2010

Steve Rant - Mackenzie Ave Rehab AAP Process

Recently, in a City Page Ad, the City of WL published a FAQ List of Questions pertaining to the Mackenzie Avenue Rehab Project.

In it, the City defends the project as being fiscally responsible and noted that residents' should not oppose this project as it would be "fiscally irresponsible" to oppose the borrowing of money connected to 2/3's fiscal support from Ottawa & Victoria

Quite frankly, I think the City should be ashamed for use that kind of language. I, as a voter/taxpayer, can perfectly decide on my own, what is and is not "fiscally responsible" projects, which I would suggest that the Mackenzie Avenue Rehab Project and steps to date (including no plan has to how the road will be repaired - a right of voters' before saying yay/nay on a borrowing bylaw) as being "fiscally irresponsible".

By at the end of the day, I suspect less than the 747 voters needed to block Council from adopting a bylaw to authorize borrowing up to $3.5 million for the Mackenzie Avenue Rehab Project will register a "no" vote

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