Monday, March 8, 2010

Letter to Federal Review Panel on Prosperity Mine Project

Earlier today, I posted the Public Hearing Schedules for the General, Community and Topic-Specific Sessions. I also asked my readers' to send in a letter in support of the Prosperity Mine Project, if they agreed with me that this project needs to go forward. In that vein, find below a letter that I forwarded to the Federal Review Panel on the proposed Prosperity Mine Project:

My name is Steve Forseth and I’m a 31-year old resident of Williams Lake. I am writing to you to request you give this Project your most favourable consideration when providing recommendations to the Federal Natural Resources and Environment Ministers

I think it needs to be said that anyone who says that mining is environmentally-friend is “out to lunch”. Whenever we talk about extraction of natural resources, there is always a risk to the environment but I believe the public expects government to ensure that these sorts of projects have the least amount of damage to the environment as possible.

As I’m sure you’ve read in the media, the forestry industry, here in the Cariboo-Chilcotin, is undergoing a very challenging time with many on lay-offs at the moment. The mining industry has helped to ensure jobs are available and with this industry showing some promise for the area for the foreseeable future, I plead with you to allow this project to move forward, as I believe it is in the region’s best interest and for the whole of all communities in the Cariboo-Chilcotin including First Nations, who I believe need the work for their people so they can begin to solve some of their socio-economic challenges

Should this project not proceed, then this community and the region very well may have to make some tough choices and those choices could set off a chain reaction which would not be in the region’s long term interests and 1 example of this is what happened to rural Saskatchewan and Newfoundland/Labrador when whole communities were vacated because of a lack of jobs. I certainly do not wish this to become reality here

Welcome to the Cariboo-Chilcotin and may your deliberations be fruitful and positive for this Project

Thank you for your consideration in this matter

Respectfully yours,

Steve Forseth

CC – Dick Harris, MP – Cariboo-Prince George (via email)
Kerry Cook, Mayor of Williams Lake (via email)
Al Richmond, Cariboo Regional District Board Chair (via email)

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