Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Steve Rant - Hearing from Williams Lake Elected Officials

Over the last period of time (weeks/months actually), I've emailed Mayor and Council over various subjects including:

i) Concerns with City of WL 2010 Budget
ii) Various Matters on City Council Agendas

However, over the term of 2008-2011, I routinely hear from Councillor Tom Barr and Councillor Surinder Rathor and from time to time, I get to hear from Councillors Natalie Montoya, Geoff Bourdon and Laurie Walters. I never hear from Councillor Sue Zacharias. Even the Mayor likes to drag out communications over a 5 day period or even let's City Staff respond (even if the communication was between voter and elected official(s)).

Finally, all members of Williams Lake City Council should be answering emails/phone calls from voters, regardless of where it comes from, whether that is from myself or the media, or Joe Q Public. All voters must be treated equally, regardless of whether or not you agree/disagree with the individual

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