Tuesday, April 6, 2010

WL Council Meeting Highlights - April 6th, 2010


Mayor Cook and Councillors Barr, Bourdon, Montoya, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias

Staff Present:

B. Carruthers - CAO
R. Schill - Corporate Services Records Coordinator
G. Goodall - GM of Planning & Operations
D. Lazzarin - GM of Corporate Services
T. Chung - Manager of IT
A. Burill - Manager of Social Development

Meeting called to order at 7:30pm
Minutes of March 23, 2010 Council meeting approved


Ms. MacLise was presented with a Community Spirit Award from Mayor Cook

Audrey MacLise presented information on Seniors Issues to Council including:

• Number of Seniors’ in Williams Lake & Area
• Status of Housing Options for Seniors’ in Williams Lake & Area
• Convert Cariboo Lodge back to Seniors’ Use


1) Council gave 1st, 2nd, and 3rd reading to City of WL Officers Bylaw #2095, 2010
2) Council authorized Mayor Cook, CAO Brian Carruthers, and City Councillors Bourdon, Barr, Rathor to attend the NCLGA (North Central Local Government Association) AGM and Convention on May 5th – 7th, 2010 in Smithers, BC
3) Council gave 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Reading to 2010-2014 Financial Plan Bylaw #2107, 2010 – Councillor Rathor was opposed
4) Council gave 2nd Reading to OCP Amendment Bylaw #2112, 2010 (Text Amendments to Infrastructure Policies – Water/Sewer). A Public Hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, April 20th, 2010 at 7:00pm in Council Chambers
5) Council approved the 2010/11 Annual Operating Agreement with BC Transit and the Lakers Go Bus Society
6) Council approved 2 Airport Leases with Sarver Wood Fibre Ltd & Seibert Investments Ltd
7) Council gave 1st Reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw #2116, 2010 (MacKay Electric Ltd). Bylaw #2116 will now be referred to the City’s Advisory Planning Commission for comment/recommendations
8) Council authorized a Remedial Action Resolution for 123 & 127 Lakeview Avenue (Patricia Henderson & William/Sharon Whitely)
9) Council declined the request of the Northern Medical Programs Trust for a pledge from the City of Williams Lake to raise $312,280 for the Northern Medical Programs Trust and to join the Trust.
10) Council approved the proposed rental fees for the Potters Guild, Spinners & Weavers and Artists Society to occupy allocated space within the new Central Cariboo Arts Centre (old Fire Hall)
11) Council adopted Bylaws #2113 (Water Works Amendment Bylaw), 2114 (Sewer Works Management Amendment Bylaw) and 2115 (Solid Waste & Recyclables)
12) Council gave notice of its’ intention to amend Council Procedure Bylaw #1940, 2004. The Amendment Bylaw will be considered by Council at its’ Tuesday, April 20th, 2010 meeting
13) Council received for information:

CRD Board Highlights from their March 26th meeting
• Letter from BC Achievement Foundation advising that Audrey MacLise was selected as one of 44 recipients of the British Columbia Community Achievement Award. Mayor Cook will be in attendance at the Award Ceremony on April 28th in Victoria, BC
• Letter from Barkerville Heritage Trust on how Barkerville may be of assistance in furthering our relations with China and developing strategies to engage Chinese markets
• Letter from Burnaby City Council on lack of consultation from Government of Canada on trade agreements

14) Council gave approval for the Annual Williams Lake Stampede Parade on Saturday, July 3, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. City Council will also participate in this Parade

Information/Announcements by Council Members:

Mayor and Council made announcements on issues/events on-going in the City

Meeting adjourned at 9:20pm and reconvened In-Camera in accordance with Section 90 (1a) of the Community Charter

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