Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Central Cariboo Joint Committee Meeting Highlights - May 19th

Present from City of WL: Mayor Cook (Co-Chair) and Councillors Bourdon, Rathor, Zacharias, Montoya, Barr and Walters

Present from CRD: Director Steve Mazur (Co-Chair) and Directors Bischoff, Mumford and Alternate Area ‘F’ Director Joan Sorley

Absent: Area ‘J’ Director Alex Bracewell

CRD/City of WL Staff Present:

Darron Campbell – CRD Manager of Community Services
Bernice CroweCRD Executive Assistant
Geoff Paynton – City of WL Director of Community Services
Cindy Bouchard – City of WL Manager of Legislative Services

Meeting called to order at 5:00pm

By Consensus – Minutes of April 29th Joint Committee meeting approved


1) Memo from CRD Manager of Community Services re: Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Working Group Final Report

The CRD Manager of Community Services reviewed his memorandum with the Joint Committee
Discussion ensued

By Consensus – Memo from CRD Manager of Community Services be received and Director Bischoff meet with Darron Campbell and Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Working Group members to clarify her concerns and this matter return to next Joint Committee for further action

2) Memo from CRD Manager of Community Services re: Minutes of April 28th meeting of Esler Recreation Advisory Commission along with Capital Projects and Appointments

The Co-Chair and the CRD Manager of Community Services reviewed this item with the Joint Committee
Discussion ensued

By Consensus – Memo from CRD Manager of Community Services be received and all recommendations contained in the minutes be endorsed including:

• Installation of new sign at Esler Sports Complex Entrance recognizing the 3 user groups there
• $5,000 be used from 2010 Central Cariboo Recreation Budget for projects involving WL Slo-Pitch, Minor Softball and WL Soccer Associations
• City of WL be requested to forward surplus or unused field equipment available (fencing/bleachers) to the Esler groups for use by them
• Use & Occupancy Agreement with Soccer Associations’ be amended to include Caretakers’ residence
Gord Chipman be appointed as WL Soccer Associations’ rep on the Commission and Brent Morrison be appointed to the Commission as Minor Softball rep

3) Report from City of WL Director of Community Services re: WL Timberwolves Debt Settlement Agreement

The City of WL Director of Community Services reviewed his report with the Joint Committee
Discussion ensued

By Consensus – Joint Committee endorse Option 3, as contained in the report and refer back to Staff for further clarification.

4) Report from Councillor SPS Rathor & Alternate Area ‘F’ Director Joan Sorley re: Central Cariboo Recreation Advisory Committee

Councillor Rathor and Alt Director Sorley reviewed their report with the Joint Committee
Discussion ensued

By Consensus – Joint Committee endorse Option #3 as contained in the report and refer to Staff to bring back Terms of Reference for Recreation Advisory Committee for consideration of Joint Committee, based on Joint Committee discussions

5) Minutes of April 28th 2010 Central Cariboo Recreation Advisory Committee (CCRAC)

The Joint Committee reviewed the April 28th minutes of CCRAC
Discussion ensued

By Consensus – Minutes received

6) Memo from CRD Executive Assistant re: Climate Action Bootcamp

The Joint Committee reviewed the memo of the CRD Executive Assistant on this matter
Discussion ensued

By Consensus – Item received

7) Memo from CRD Executive Assistant re: Joint Fee-for-Service Contract (City of WL /CRD)

The City of WL Manager of Legislative reviewed this item with the Joint Committee
Discussion ensued

By Consensus – Item received and refer to Staff develop a Draft Policy for Joint Fee-for-Service Contracts for consideration by the Joint Committee

8) Memo from CRD Executive Assistant re: Sustainability Forum

The Joint Committee reviewed the memo of the CRD Executive Assistant on this matter
Discussion ensued

By Consensus – Item received

9) Action Page dated April 29th

The Joint Committee reviewed the Action Page

By Consensus – Action Page was received and Action Items #3, 5, 7, 9, 10 and 11 were removed

10) Joint Committee Terms of Reference

Discussion ensued on this matter

By Consensus – Item received and referred to Staff to bring forward new Terms of Reference for the Joint Committee for consideration including:

• Membership of the Joint Committee
• How to determine voting on items
• Dissenting votes – how to recognize while respecting consensus-based decision making at the Joint Committee

Meeting adjourned at 7:05pm

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