Saturday, May 29, 2010

The HST & Globe and Mail

On Friday, I was interviewed by Justine Hunter who covers BC Politics in the Globe and Mail - BC Edition about the HST and today's BC Liberal Regional Conference which will attract MLA/Cabinet Ministers & Party Members from all the Prince George ridings, both Cariboo ridings, both Kamloops ridings and the riding of Shuswap

You can view the article in question here

I must say though when we discuss the HST at this conference, I'm going to express my disappointment at Terry Lake (MLA - Kamloops-North Thompson) who convenes the Select Standing Committee on Legislative Initiatives and his "amateurish" comments on the HST Initiative Petition and what the Committee would try and do with the Petition

His words......:

"The committee could look at that initiative and say that it's invalid"

At a time when we, as BC Liberals, are trying to have a rational and fact-based debate on the HST, his comments are clearly not helpful. In addition, he should have taken the high road and not publicly muse about what the Select Standing Committee would do or not do with the HST Initiative Petition.

He should have (and it appears he understands this now) taken the lead of the Premier when he said:

"We will follow the law (Recall and Initiative Act)"

Hopefully, the BC Liberals' won't have any more "amateurish" and "rookie" comments from its' MLA's. Certainly, those who advocate for the recall of BC Liberal MLA's do not need anymore evidence to fire up its' troops

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