Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Steve Rant - Outcome of May 11th WL Council Meeting

Last night, WL Council was set to approve a request from City Staff for allocating up to $750 for a sign to the "Nathan Matthews Skateboard Park" which is located inside Boitanio Park

However, Councillor Barr objected as his Portfolio had not yet reviewed this financial request. Of course, this is City Policy - all financial requests are to be reviewed by the Finance Portfolio to ensure they comply with the approved City Budget. Councillor's Barr concern includes whether or not the CRD's Central Cariboo Recreation Budget should properly pay for this sign.

I agree wholeheartedly with Tom Barr. I find it regrettable that Mayor Cook allowed this request to get this far with Council. If she was doing her job and presumably she and the City CAO (Brian Carruthers) review the entire Agenda, then she would have been told all financial requests are to be reviewed by the Finance Portfolio to ensure that they comply with the approved City Budget, prior to Council considering said financial request(s).

Also -- on the procedural matter of a request to refer to Portfolio, this is a typical request and one that Mayor Cook should know how to handle (she served previously as a City Councillor between 1996-1999) and for her last night to ask "What should we do?" tells the public (when they watch this Council meeting on Shaw Cable 10) and myself that she is truly inexperienced and she wasn't really ready to be Mayor

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