Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Steve Rant - Vetting of City of WL Press Releases by other parties/groups

Earlier today, the Williams Lake Tribune published a letter to the editor that I authored criticizing use of language in a City of Williams Lake sponsored press release (or what I believed at the time to be a City of Williams Lake media release). You can see that letter to the editor here

Upon reading this, Brian Carruthers (City of WL CAO) responded to me personally by stating the following:

"This release was prepared and issued by the WL Cycling Club. They requested a quote from the Mayor and then issued the release as a Joint Media Release. The City did not produce that release and I am trying to track down how they ended up with our logo on it"

My question is -

Why didn't the City follow-up immediately with the WL Cycling Club and ask why they took their press release and turned into a Joint Press Release without prior authorization, instead of going after an individual who only criticized his local elected officials?

I've said for months that communications efforts out of Williams Lake City Hall have been "amateurish" at best and this particular fiasco only serves to strengthen this point

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