Tuesday, May 11, 2010

WL Council Meeting Highlights - May 11th, 2010

Present: Mayor Cook and Councillors Rathor, Montoya, Barr, Walters, Bourdon and Zacharias

Staff Present:

Brian Carruthers - CAO
Cindy Bouchard - Manager of Legislative Services
Geoff Goodall - General Manager of Planning & Operations
Tom Chung - IT Manager
Lilliana Dragowska - Planner

Minutes from April 20th, 2010 meeting approved


1) Staff Sgt Warren Brown (Detachment Commander, Williams Lake RCMP) & Dave Dickson (Safer Communities Coordinator) on Crime Stats

Staff Sgt Brown & Dave Dickson (Safer Communities Coordinator) presented WL Council with the Annual Performance Plan for 2010-2011, crime stats covering the period Jan 1 – March 31, 2008-2010 and community policing stats to date. See the presentation here

2) Mayor Cook presented Williams Lake Fire Chief Randy Isfeld, Emergency Social Services Coordinator Dave Dickson and Deputy ESS Coordinator Angela Cail with the Justice Institute of BC Foundation Heroes & Rescue Award for 2009

3) Carrie Sundahl (Project Manager – Communities that Care) re: Mark Totten Workshop on Preventing High Risk Behaviour

Ms. Sundahl presented WL Council with information on the upcoming Mark Totten workshop to prevent high-risk behaviour The workshop will be held on Thursday, May 13th in Williams Lake City Council Chambers from 7:00pm – 9:00pm


1) Council agreed to adopt Central Cariboo Joint Committee Report #6-2010. Joint Committee Report #6-2010 is in regards to a feasibility study for an Indoor Turf Facility in the Williams Lake area. The feasibility report will now be referred to different communities groups for input prior to the Central Cariboo Joint Committee determining next steps on a Indoor Turf Facility
2) Council referred the expenditure of up to $750 to purchase new memorial signage for the Nathan Matthews Memorial Skate Park in Boitanio Park to the Finance Portfolio for consideration
3) Council approved the 2009 Audited Financial Statements
4) Council received for information a report from the CAO on an agreement between Interior Roads and Laker Go-Bus Society which will see the Transit Bus Fleet stored at the local Interior Roads facility, rather than at the City’s Public Works Yard
5) Council gave 3 readings to Traffic Control Amendment Bylaw No. 2117, 2010 which will allow for sidewalk and road cafes
6) Council referred DVP #1-2010 to the City’s Advisory Planning Commission for comment/recommendations prior to Council considering the DVP at its’ May 25th, 2010 meeting
7) Council declared Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010 as Free Transit Day in Williams Lake, in recognition of Clear Air Week in June
8) Council approved the KidSport Classic Half Marathon, 21 km Relay/Run and 10.5 km Recreational Walk/Run route
9) Council adopted the following Bylaws:

• Bylaw #2109, 2010 – 2010 Property Tax Rates (Councillor Rathor was opposed)
• Bylaw #2091, 2010 – Council Procedure Bylaw (Amendment Bylaw)
• Bylaw #2116, 2010 – Zoning Amendment Bylaw

10) Council adopted a number of recommendations from previous Committee of the Whole meetings:

• Council will refer to "The Accessible Community Bylaws Guide" published by Sparc BC in September 2009 when looking at bylaws in the future; and further, that the "Guide" was referred to the Bylaw Review Committee for consideration
• The Draft Secondary Suite Policy was amended to include:

• permitting alternate life safety standards,
• establishing complaint-based enforcement approaches, and
• setting utility fees at 20% of residential rates for single family homes;

and further, Staff were directed to provide homeowners with amnesty from inspection fees for a 12 month period from the implementation date of the Policy and proceed with a broad public engagement process to collect public input and educate and inform the community regarding suites and the importance of ensuring the safety of all secondary suites.
• Council received the second draft of the Residential Development Suitability Maps for information and review and Staff were directed to schedule a Public Open House in Council Chambers on Wednesday, May 19, 2010 from 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm.

11) Council gave approval to place an advertisement in the Williams Lake Tribune 2010 Edition of "Casual Country" in the amount of $427 for a half page placement.
12) Council received for information the CRD Board Highlights from its’ April 30th, 2010 meeting
13) Council received the minutes from the April 29th, 2010 Central Cariboo/City of Williams Lake Joint Committee meeting. The recommendations contained in the minutes were endorsed
14) Council proclaimed the following events in Williams Lake:

• Access Awareness Day – Saturday, June 15th, 2010
• Local Government Awareness Week – May 17th to 21st, 2010 (There are multiple events planned on May 18th in the City Open House at City Hall, Tour of City Water System, Tour of new Fire Hall. Councillor Walters & City Staff to speak to local service clubs)
• Missing Child’s Month – May 2010
• Missing Child’s Day – May 25th, 2010
• Mining Week – May 9th – 15th, 2010

15) Council awarded the Pavement Rehabilitation Contract for the Mackenzie Avenue reconstruction project to Peters Bros. Construction Ltd. for a total of $7,650,735.40, excluding GST. This project also includes work on Cameron Street between 3rd and 4th Avenues and Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure work on Dog Creek & Likely Roads and Highway 20

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