Wednesday, June 30, 2010

City of Williams Lake a member of "Partners for Climate Protection or PCP"

See below for an announcement from the City of Williams Lake announcing that the City is now a member of the federal program - Partners for Climate Protection or PCP:

Mayor Kerry Cook and City Council are pleased to announce that the City of Williams Lake has become a member of the federal program Partners for Climate Protection (PCP). Now that Williams Lake is a member of PCP, the City can move ahead with its plans to implement carbon neutral initiatives within the municipality and the community. The City’s commitment to PCP will play a leading role in Williams Lake becoming an influential sustainable community within the province of British Columbia.

According to Mayor Kerry Cook, “In choosing to commit to both the Climate Action Charter and Partners for Climate Protection, we are choosing to become an influential and progressive voice of the Cariboo-Chilcotin in matters of sustainability. It is great to see such enthusiasm from both City staff and Council, and I am excited to see our City use these new tools to create a greener future for Williams Lake.”

Williams Lake has shown itself to have strong community participation in matters relating to sustainability. Recently receiving the national FCM Sustainability Community Award for the City’s Integrated Community Sustainability Plan (ICSP), Williams Lake has proven its community interest in creating a sustainable future for Williams Lake.

“In signing the Climate Action Charter back in 2007, we committed to meeting the provincial requirements of becoming carbon neutral by 2012. Now, in committing to Partners for Climate Protection, we are assuring that we not only meet the requirements of the province, but exceed them,” stated CAO Brian Carruthers.

The resolution to join Partners for Climate Protection was unanimously agreed upon by Council, and will be a beneficial tool to the City in meeting their commitments. In addition the City is currently completing an emissions inventory to record all current greenhouse gases being released from City operations. Imogen Thompson, GHG Planning Assistant, states “I am thrilled to be working on the emissions inventory, as once Williams Lake knows its current emissions can we successfully work at reducing those emissions”.

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