Sunday, June 6, 2010

Councillor Natalie Montoya & Flip-Flops

On February 5th, the City of Williams Lake received a request from the Northern Medical Programs Trust (NMPT) to join the NMPT and to set a community contribution goal of $312,280.

On March 31st - the Social Services Portfolio, chaired by Councillor Natalie Montoya, reviewed the request and recommended Council decline both joining the NMPT and not to set the community contribution of $312,280

At the April 6th meeting of Williams Lake City Council, the following motion was agreed to:

"That pursuant to the report of the Social Services and Environment Portfolio dated March 31, 2010, Council decline the request of the Northern Medical Programs Trust in their letter dated February 5, 2010 for a pledge from the City of Williams Lake on behalf of the community to raise $312,280 for the Northern Medical Programs Trust; and further, the community be encouraged to participate in this fundraising effort on an individual basis"

On May 18th - Robert van Adrichem, VP of External Relations for UNBC participated on a Conference Call with Williams Lake Council, during a Committee of the Whole meeting, to clarify information about the NMPT.

On Tuesday, Williams Lake City Council will be considering the following recommendation from the Social Services Portfolio:

"That the report of the Social Services and Environment Portfolio dated June 3, 2010 be received and Mayor Cook be authorized to sign the attached Community Pledge form on behalf of the City, the community be encouraged to participate in this funding initiative and a general letter of support be provided to the Northern Medical Programs Trust"

Now - if that isn't a flip-flop, then I don't know what is. If Councillor Montoya, who is a lawyer by trade, was on top of her Portfolio and lawyers are known to thoroughly research their cases prior to trial, then she wouldn't be in this position. In addition, Williams Lake should join the NMPT, in order to lobby for the community pledge money we give to the NMPT and to ensure that a fair share of the NMPT pot of money returns to Williams Lake.

When her Portfolio met on March 31st, she should have instructed City Staff to research all relevant information on this matter and had that been done, then on April 6th, WL Council would have considered the motion that is now being put forward on Tuesday from the Social Services & Environment Portfolio.

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