Wednesday, June 2, 2010

HST Opponents & The Possible Recall of the Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA

Eric Freeston, the regional organizer of the Fight HST team and an executive member of the Cariboo-Chilcotin BC NDP, claims that 40% of registered voters' in the electoral district of Cariboo-Chilcotin have signed the HST Initiative Petition. Read more here

If this is true and all of the signatures stand to scrutiny by Elections BC', then Donna Barnett's political career as a MLA could possibly come to a standstill as early as February/March of 2011 (if a recall campaign begins on November 15th and is successful against her)

It'll be interesting to observe what occurs as of August - as this is when Elections BC' will declare whether or not the HST Initiative Petition has been successful and what the official response of the provincial government to it.

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