Monday, June 7, 2010

Input on Secondary Suite Policy

Last Thursday, I wrote to City of Williams Lake Mayor Kerry Cook with regard to the following comment, pertaining to the proposed Secondary Suite Policy:

"Council is interested in the viewpoints and perspectives of Williams Lake residents as it considers a Bylaw to permit secondary suites"

Earlier today, I received the following from Brian Carruthers - CAO (Chief Administrator) of the City of Williams Lake:

I believe the City is going above and beyond with respect to public engagement as I have pasted below (excerpt from the last report) . This is a policy that will influence future Bylaw amendments so it does not require the process you outlined. If and when the appropriate Bylaws are amended, the standard process will be followed.

While I understand what the CAO is saying - I believe that the following question comes up:

As Annie McKitrick works for Geoff Goodall and Geoff Goodall works for Brian Carruthers, where is the accountability for the CAO to ensure that any information published - either on the City's website or in the local media (radio or print) is timely and accurate?

Obviously, my rhetorical question can't be answered as he didn't, in my opinion, do his job to ensure all information published by the City is properly vetted to ensure its' accuracy. And again, if he isn't doing his job then the Mayor as CEO of the City is supposed to do hers' to ensure that proper and good government occurs in the City of Williams Lake and that didn't occur in this case

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