Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Interior Health awards contract for CMH Master Plan

See below for press release from Interior Health on the award of a contract to develop a Master Site Plan for Cariboo Memorial Hospital. Certainly, I'm glad to see this move forward. I look forward to the final Master Site Plan for Cariboo Memorial Hospital and hope that everyone will get a place at the table to ensure that the Cariboo Memorial Hospital site is serving everyone - both seniors, children and everyone in between

Interior Health has awarded the contract to develop a Master Site Plan for Cariboo Memorial Hospital to the firm Farrow Partnership Architects of Toronto, Ontario. The goal of the project is to develop a plan to guide development at the site over the next five, 10,
and 15 years.

“We are pleased to see this project moving forward. A long term plan for our hospital will
provide us with a road map in order to assess the impact of recent capital improvements and
building investments at Cariboo Memorial Hospital,” said Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna
Barnett. “This plan will help us understand what the hospital’s needs will be in the future, so we are well prepared to meet patient demand.”

Next steps in the process will include gathering data and information, planning documents,
historical workload, staffing, and population demographic forecasts. The process will include
every department on site at Cariboo Memorial and the Cariboo Health Unit and will include
input from administrative and frontline staff, physicians, the Mayor, the CCRHD, and other
stakeholders in the community.

Farrow will begin this collaborative planning process within the coming weeks, conducting
introductory workshops and establishing project guiding principles and a balanced score card in order to effectively evaluate project decisions.

“This is a vital project as we move forward to build on past successes, learn from past experience, and most importantly to prepare for the future,” said Interior Health Board Chair Norman Embree. “The Master Plan will allow us to be visionary in health service delivery, and work with our stakeholders to build consensus around shared values, needs and priorities.”

Some of the elements that will guide the development of the Master Plan include site parking
requirements and flexibility for future expansion for programs and their associated demands on the site, including the requirements of the community programs at the Health Unit. The plan will align with Interior Health’s Vision and Mission while offering realistic deliverables and timelines, and will improve quality of care for the communities and residents of the Cariboo Chilcotin.

“The master planning process provides an opportunity to look at all aspects of health care,” says Rick Mumford, CCRHD Chair. “The integration of the various health care needs with the
central Cariboo can be achieved through this project, while the level of care and service
offerings to our residents, will be maximized.”

Farrow has a strong focus on health care settings. The firm’s roots extend back to 1958. It has
since evolved into a world leader in creating exceptional health-focused architecture.

“This process will allow us to take a close look at current and future healthcare services
provided on site, and develop a forward-looking document for redevelopment,” says Allison
Ruault, Acute Health Service Administrator, Cariboo. “The plan will identify opportunities and
constraints for sustainable physical growth of the site.”

The same firm has also been selected to develop a Master Site Plan for Royal Inland Hospital in Kamloops. Completion for both projects is estimated for spring 2011.

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