Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Letter to Mayor and Council on City of WL 2009 Annual Report

Yesterday afternoon, I wrote to Mayor and Council - City of Williams Lake on concerns that I had with the City's 2009 Annual Report. For the record, here's the letter in its' entirety:

Dear Mayor Cook and City Councillors:

Re: City of Williams Lake 2009 Annual Report

I apologize, in advance, that I was unable to appear personally to deliver my concerns with the City’s 2009 Annual Report but there was another meeting I had to be at and I could not get out of.

The only good thing that I can say about this report is that is professional-looking then previous Annual Reports’ and for that, I thank you.

However, there are a number of issues that cause me grave concern and I hope that this Council will be prepared to hear them out and act on them so they are not repeated for the 2010 Annual Report in 2011


1) Section 99(2) of the Community Charter (Charter) says:

“"The annual meeting must occur at least 14 days after the annual report is made available for public inspection under Section 97 of the Community Charter "

As Council released its’ Annual Report on Friday, June 18th on the City’s “FilePro” website as it was an Agenda Item and the consideration of the Annual Report is tonight, it is clear that Council is violated both the spirit and intent of Section 99(2) of the Charter. In addition, no paper copies will be available until tomorrow (Wednesday, June 23rd), according to your Manager of Legislative Services. I do not know if this was a case of Council hoping that they would get away with it or not, but if so, you all should be ashamed. You’re supposed to ensure everyone has equal access to the Annual Report and not those who have computer access or those who are “Council watchers”, like myself. Of course, this also applies to other Municipal documents. Just as an aside, Quesnel Council had their 2009 Annual Report ready, in all formats, on June 11th and will consider it on Monday, June 28th. Finally, no advertising has taken place on this subject, to the best of my knowledge, in both the Williams Lake Tribune and Cariboo Advisor. How can the public give any comments if they do not know when their local government is taking written or oral submissions on this report? This also applies to no information on this subject on the City’s website.


Council delay adopting the 2009 Annual Report until June 29th and a Special Council Meeting be called for this purpose

By Council waiting one week to consider this report on June 29th, it gives the public a few days to review this Annual Report. Granted – it is still in violation of Section 99(2) of the Charter, but it is better than adopting the report tonight.

2) 2009 Audited Financial Statements

The City has placed its’ Annual Financial Statements for 2009 in SOFI (Statement of Financial Information). This information should be placed in the Annual Report as well and this was the case in the 2008 Annual Report, to the best of my knowledge

3) 3 Year Corporate Goals vs Annual Goals

Williams Lake City Council has decided to employ 3 Year Strategic Goals in your Annual Report as opposed to Quesnel Council using Annual Goals, reporting out on the previous year goals and new goals for the upcoming year. In addition, the Quesnel City Manager comments on this Annual Goals, by way of Staff perspective. I would like to see Williams Lake Council employ Quesnel’s model of reporting out on its’ work

4) Letter to Hon. Ben Stewart (Minister of Community & Rural Development)

Because of the lack of actions by Council on this subject, I am Wednesday morning authoring a letter to the Minister requesting that his staff review this matter. I will ensure that a copy is tabled with the Mayor and in addition, a copy will be placed in the hands of Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett for her information.


Had Council done this year what took place in 2009 with regard to the 2008 Annual Report, I would not have authored this letter to Council. I hope that Council will heed my advice and ensure that it is not repeated in 2011 with regard to the 2010 Annual Report

If any member of Williams Lake City Council desires to discuss this matter with me, they can reach me at the following:

Phone – (778) – 412-7282
Cell: (250) – 303-0951

Finally – I ask Council to formally reply to this letter so I know it has been received and what Council’s response is to my concerns with regard to the 2009 City of Williams Lake Annual Report

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