Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Quesnel Council Meeting Highlights - June 28th, 2010

Housing Needs Assessment report received

Upon receipt of the report, Quesnel Council heard that there is inadequate non-market (or aff ordable) housing in our community. The report indicated that the total supply of affordable housing was 208, the total amount of affordable housing needed was 1155, leaving a deficit of 947.

The generally accepted definition of affordability, is housing that costs 30% or less of a household’s income. Quesnel City Council confirmed that staff should consult with the public on desired next steps for affordable housing. The report recommended a housing strategy which would include, among other things, establishing housing goals and objectives, confirming needs and issues, outlining resources, identifying partners and their roles, and identifying priorities.

Secondary Suites Survey

A number of institutions and organizations have advocated for secondary suites as one option for increasing the affordable housing supply in communities. A number of communities have either removed or relaxed their regulations around this form of housing. Quesnel City Council had authorized a survey to assess the community’s desire to review policy in this area.

The survey showed that in Quesnel, approximately 67% of City residents supported the City modifying its bylaws to allow for secondary suites in single-detached dwellings.

There were 33% opposed to the secondary suite bylaw modifi cation saying they are concerned about the possibility of undesirable tenants and illegal tenant behavior, an undesirable neighbourhood change, an increase in traffic, and insufficient parking. A public workshop will be scheduled to address both the housing needs and secondary suites in Quesnel.

Annual Report Received

The 2009 Annual Report was received and endorsed by Quesnel City Council.

Fire Master Plan

City Council supported the development and preparation of a
Master Fire Plan for Quesnel.

A Master Fire Plan is a strategic blueprint for fire protection that addresses all local needs and circumstances based upon costs the community can afford. It will assist Council and the Fire Department in formulating and deciding on the long term needs of the City’s fire protection and prevention services.

Quesnel Search and Rescue may soon have a new home

Quesnel City Council provided first and second reading to City of Quesnel Zoning Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 1682 of 2010 and waived the holding of a public hearing on the matter.

This application is under review and will come to Council for final approval on July 19. A successful application for a zoning amendment and development permit by Quesnel Search and Rescue, will allow them to build their new headquarters on City owned property at the old mini-golf site

Fire Chief receives Service Presentation

Quesnel Fire Chief Ric Raynor received his BC Long Service Bar on June
7 by the BC Fire Emergency Management Commissionaire Rebecca Denlinger. Council acknowledged the Fire Chief’s award at the Council meeting and applauded his committment to his career and our community.

The BC Long Service Bar is awarded by the Provincial Government to persons who have completed at least 35 years of paid or volunteer fire service in BC. This is to recognize the dedication and self lessness with which these individuals have served their community and this province in the protection of life and property.

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