Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tuesday News Round-up

In today's Williams Lake Tribune:

1) Boot Cabaret's Business License has been restored by the City of Williams Lake - more here
2) City announces win at FCM for Intergrated Community Suitability Planning - more here (note - I'll be blogging on this subject specifically later today)
3) Letter writer Darryl Grams implores the Cariboo Regional District to move forward on transit in the rural fringe areas - more here
4) Letter writer Peter Teichroew complains about the City's recent decision to allow businesses in the downtown core to have roadside cafes - more here

In today's Vancouver Sun:

Columnists Vaughn Palmer & Daphne Bramham both discuss the Local Government Elections Task Force - Final Report. See here (Vaughn Palmer) and here (Daphne Bramham)

In today's Vancouver Province:

Political Columnist Michael Smyth discusses whether or not Premier Campbell will do the "mother of all flip-flops" on the HST, given 600,000 voters' in the Province have signed the HST Initiative Petition - more here (I don't think you see Campbell do it, given his public statements, but then again, he flip-flopped after the proposed privatization of the Coquihalla Highway so perhaps there's hope)

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