Wednesday, July 28, 2010

CRD Board Special Meeting of July 28th

Present: Chair Al Richmond and Directors Ted Armstrong, Roberta Faust, John Massier (entered meeting at 5:11pm), Deb Bischoff, Steve Mazur, Art Dumaresq, Jim Glassford, Alex Bracewell, Rick Mumford, Bruce Rattray, Kerry Cook, Jay Vermette and Alternate Directors Joan Sorley (Area ‘F’) & Laurey-Anne Roodenburg (City of Quesnel)


District of 100 Mile House Director Mitch Campsall

Staff Present:

J. Bell – CAO
A. Johnston – Corporate Officer
S. Burich – Communications Manager

Meeting called to order at 5:03pm
Meeting Agenda Adopted


1) Cost Recovery Options for 9-1-1 Emergency Telephone Service

The CAO reviewed the Chief Financial Officer’s report with the Board
Discussion ensued thereon

Board Action – Report received and a letter be sent to the Ministry of Community and Rural Development requesting that the legislative glitch be corrected to permit the Board to set different tax rates for different assessment classes. Also, the Board asked CRD Staff to proceed with the Section 808 “Local Government Act” (variable tax rate system) option for cost recovery for 911 Emergency Telephone Service with the back-up plan for cost recovery on 911 being a tax on land & improvements in 2011

2) Bylaw 4594(4), 2010 – CRD 2010 Financial Plan Amendment Bylaw

Board Action – Bylaw #4594(4), 2010 adopted

3) North Cariboo Joint Planning Minutes & Recommendations

The Board received the July 19th minutes of the North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee and the following recommendations were endorsed:

• Staff develop the preliminary North Cariboo Recreation and Park Budget based on a 1.25% budget increase in 2011, with guidelines based on the understanding that Capital Projects will be prioritized on importance of safety, operational need and energy efficiency

• “Route C” be endorsed as the route for the North South Connector and QCEDC and City of Quesnel staff explore funding options to proceed with the Multiple Account Evaluation Process.

• Dr. Betsy Ives’ resignation from the Barkerville Heritage Trust Board was accepted. The Board will send a thank-you letter thanking Ms. Ives for her service, on behalf of the Cariboo Regional District, on the Barkerville Heritage Trust Board

• Area ‘C’ Director John Massier was nominated as a replacement on the Barkerville Heritage Trust Board

4) Authorization for CRD Chair to attend Prosperity Mine lobby meetings in Ottawa

Mayor Cook gave an oral report on an opportunity next week (Aug 2-6) to continue lobbying federal elected officials on Prosperity Mine.

The Board then gave authorization for CRD Chair Al Richmond to attend this meeting in Ottawa next week with City of Williams Lake Mayor Kerry Cook and District of 100 Mile House Mayor Mitch Campsall with the following vote taking place:

Yeas – Directors Armstrong, Faust, Massier, Mazur, Richmond, Dumaresq, Glassford, Bracewell, Mumford, Cook, Vermette and Alternate Director Laurey-Anne Roodenburg

Nays – Directors Bischoff & Rattray and Area ‘F’ Alternate Director Joan Sorley

Meeting adjourned at 5:57pm

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