Saturday, July 17, 2010

Expenses at City Hall (2003-2009)

Yesterday, I blogged on the revised list of stipends/expenses list in 2009 for Williams Lake City Council members. See more here

However, I thought it would be interesting to see what past Councils' stipend/expenses lists looks like:

So, in 2003 - Former WL Mayor Rick Gibson and the then 6 City Councillors (Deb DeMare, Paul French, Surinder Rathor, Patrick Reid, Jon Wolbers, and Scott Nelson) in their first full year in office racked up a combined stipend/expenses of $103,666.36. Note - Mayor earned $33,000 and Councillors earned $10,000

The range in expenses submitted in 2003 ranged from $569.95 (former WL City Councillor/Mayor Scott Nelson) to $2,804.64 (former WL Mayor Rick Gibson)

In 2006 - Former WL Mayor Scott Nelson and the then 6 City Councillors (Paul French, Surinder Rathor, Ed Mead, Jon Wolbers, Judy O'Neill and Tom Barr) in their first full year in office racked up a combined stipend/expenses of $133,480.47 Note - Mayor earned $33,000 and Councillors earned $10,000

The range in expenses submitted in 2006 ranged from $364.59 (former City Councillor & CRD Chair Jon Wolbers) to $8,078.66 (former WL City Councillor Judy O'Neill)

In 2009 - Mayor Kerry Cook and the 6 City Councillors in their first full year in office racked up a combined stipend/expenses of $173,459.49 Note - Mayor earned $45,000 and Councillors earned $15,000

The range in expenses submitted in 2009 ranged from a low of $2,968.92 (Councillor Barr) to a high of $8,818.24 (Mayor Cook)

So, Council stipends and expenses have risen from $103,666.36 (2003) to $173.459.49 (2009). An increase of 60% in 6 years.

A good thing or bad thing?? - As City of Williams Lake taxpayers - you alone must decide that!!

Personally - I don't think the rise in expenses/stipends of 60% in 6 years is a good thing and I believe the time has come to reign in expenses including use of technology to get the high level of expenses down to a more modest level from $8,818 to $1,000 or less. This also includes monthly reporting of expenses incurred. This would be part of an open & transparent politician at Williams Lake City Hall so Williams Lake taxpayers' can evaluate on their own, monthly, if they are getting good value for their tax dollar and this includes all monthly meetings attended by a member of Williams Lake City Council


2003 Stipend/Expenses List - see here
2006 Stipend/Expenses List - see here
2009 Stipend/Expenses List - see here

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