Thursday, July 8, 2010

Town Hall Radio Program & No City of WL Representative

As is usual, the weekly Thursday Town Hall Radio Program takes place with Dale Taylor & the City of Williams Lake Mayor Kerry Cook or her alternate

Unfortunately, and as Dale himself pointed out, no City Councillor attended the radio program today, in Mayor Cook's place. Dale Taylor, being the radio DJ pro and MC-extraordinaire he is, he stalled for a few minutes to wait and see if any elected official (Mayor Cook is on holidays for the entire month of July) from Council would show up to do the Town Hall radio show. No City Councillors' showed up and when that happened, Dale did the only thing he could and moved on to other business

It is rather shameful that no Councillor, regardless if it was the Acting Mayor (Councillor Tom Barr) or the other 5 Councillors could not arrange to ensure that someone was there to represent Council and to discuss with Dale what the City was up to.

Hopefully this will not occur again next Thursday (July 15th) as it is a good tool for the City to use to communicate out to the residents' of Williams Lake

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