Tuesday, July 20, 2010

WL Council Meeting Highlights - July 20th


Acting Mayor Tom Barr and Councillors Bourdon, Hebert, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias


Mayor Kerry Cook

Staff Present:

Geoff Goodall - Acting CAO
Rena Schill - Corporate Services Records Management Coordinator
Tom Chung - Manager of IT
Candie Laporte - Director of Financial Services

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm

Council adopted the June 30th and July 6th meeting minutes


1) Melanie Ablitt from Lake City Derby Girls appeared before Council with regard to their request for a Special Occasion Liquor License at their event on Saturday, August 21st at the Cariboo Memorial Complex


1) Council approved a "Letter of Approval in Principle" being provided for RCMP Contract increases for the Federal Governments fiscal year 2011/12.

2) Council gave 1st, 2nd and 3rd reading to Bylaw #2120, 2010 (Mackenzie Avenue Rehab Project Temporary Borrowing)

3) Council approved the amended Schedule 5 to the Financial Information Act - 2009 Statement of Financial Information (restating of expenses in 2009 for City Councillors Geoff Bourdon and Laurie Walters).

4) Council awarded the contract for the supply of a Sodium Hypochlorite Generating System to Smith Cameron Pump Solutions for the tendered price of $138,380

5) Council gave 1st reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2119 (Westridge Ventures Ltd) and referred to the City’s Advisory Planning Commission for review/recommendations

6) Council approved the Special Occasion Liquor License request from the Lake City Roller Derby Girls to host the Rated PG Roller Girls for a three-hour spectator event from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM on Saturday, August 21, 2010 in Rink II of the Cariboo Memorial Complex, in accordance with City policy and subject to Williams Lake RCMP approval and that the community be encouraged to attend this event

7) Council adopted Bylaw #2118 (Cameron Street Reconstruction Short-term Borrowing)

8) Council received for information the Cariboo Regional District’s July 9th 2010 Board meeting highlights

9) Council authorized a member of Council and Staff be authorized to attend the UBCM Consultation Meeting - Major Industrial Taxation being held at the Delta Vancouver Airport Hotel on Friday, August 13th

Members of Council gave verbal reports on issues/events occurring in the City

Meeting adjourned at 6:53pm

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