Friday, August 27, 2010

City of Williams Lake report out on local carbon emissions

From the City of Williams Lake:

Mayor Kerry Cook and Williams Lake Council are pleased to announce that the City of Williams Lake has officially completed the 2008 and 2009 Corporate Emissions Inventories. These inventories are the first of four steps that the City will take in order to become Carbon Neutral by 2012, as per the Climate Action Charter.

The results of the inventory showed that City produced 1382 tons of greenhouse gas emissions in 2009. Buildings produced 60 percent of the municipal emissions, followed by the municipal fleet (25 percent), corporate waste (9 percent), water and sewage (5 percent), and street lights (1 percent).
The three top sources of emissions were Natural Gas (with 755 tons of emissions), Diesel (200 tons), and Electricity (148 tons).  The completed inventory was submitted for Milestone 1 recognition by Partners for Climate Protection, of which the City of Williams Lake recently received membership. This step is the first of five milestones that the City committed to through PCP membership.

Mayor Kerry Cook commented, “In completing Milestone 1, the City of Williams Lake has really stepped up to their commitment to become Carbon Neutral. The PCP Milestones are a great way for the City to reach our provincial goal and to show sustainable leadership throughout the municipalities of BC and Canada”.
The City of Williams Lake is also please to announce that the Provincial Climate Action Charter has extended an invitation to the City to be a part of the SmartTool Pilot Project, a tool that is being branded as ‘the future of provincial emissions data compilation’. The City looks forward to piloting a program that will be both beneficial to the City and to municipalities across BC.

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