Wednesday, August 18, 2010

City of WL & CRD to host Public Info Meeting on Wildfire Situation

From the CRD Emergency Operations Center:

The City of Williams Lake will hold two public open-house information sessions on Thursday, August 19th with respect to the current adjacent fire activity and the evacuation alert within the City of Williams Lake. The sessions will take place from 10:00am to 11:00am and again from 2:00pm to 3:00pm in Williams Lake City Council Chambers. Mayor Kerry Cook, CRD Chair Al Richmond and Emergency Operations Centre officials will be in attendance to provide up to date information on the current evacuation alert and the City's level of preparedness should the wildfire situation threaten the City and surrounding area. The public are welcome to drop in at any time during these sessions.

Mayor Kerry Cook advises "The City wants to ensure our citizens are well-informed during this challenging event. Accurate information is critical to ensure that rumors are dispelled and citizens have an opportunity to prepare themselves accordingly."

Up to date information on local fire situations and evacuations can be obtained from the City of WL/CRD Joint EOC at or by calling 250-392-4283 or 250-392-3286.

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